How much space do crested geckos need?

Can you give me the Length, Depth and Height for an ideal terrarium for two adult crested geckos please? thanks


  • An Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 60 x 40 x 60 cm is best for 2 adult crested geckos, they do not prefer height over length, as they do not jump up they jump sideways. Be sure to include thick vines and a lot of leaves to provide various hiding spaces. They should be at a temp of around 22-26 degrees Celsius during the day, let it fall to the teens at night (never below 15, use substrate such a eco earth, people usually prefer wet paper towels or spagmam moss to provide humidity, keep humidity at 30-60% during the day then mist it up to 80-90 at night, use a thermometer/hygrometer to measure these. CGD should be everyday with crickets offered once a week(if you chose to offer crickets as well.) Consider a gecko ledge to raise the cgd and water of the floor as they rather eating higher up. They are nocturnal so you probably wont see them much during the day.

  • 12x12x18 is in no way big enough for 2 crested geckos, and a 10 gallon tank is much too small as well. I'd recommend looking into around a 30-40 gallon tank. The ExoTerra 18x18x24 terrarium would also be good. They need more height then ground space so the height should always be higher.

  • I have two in a 12"12"18 you r supposed to have more height than ground space they love to climb So vines a water bowl but they don't drink out it much so if the don't start spraying the walls with a mister they will drink it off the wall get a hide out

  • Powdered meal replacements are one hundred% required to be sure that they are getting each and all the food they desire! do no longer feed your gecko fullyyt infant food and crickets until you're an experienced gecko breeder!

  • Yes, it'll all about the height, they love to hide and climb. you can purchase one of these tanks:

    these are very good for crested geckos.

  • idk like 10 gallon tank

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