How do you approach a cute girl?

I saw this girl who works at target and she was really cute. I really wanted to say something but idk I got nervous so I didn't. What do I do if I see her again? I am terrible at approaching people... I want to know how to get to know this girl, how do I ask for a number? or how do I ask if she wants to hang out sometime? I can't just say it literally,,, I have no idea how to lead up to it...


  • I use to work at target a few years ago. I had a pretty co-worker that I liked but never got to know her well. The other day, I saw her again and wanted to talk to her, but she was pretty busy and ran off somewhere.

    I say if you really want to talk to this girl, you start working at target and maybe when your in the break room you can start talking to her.

  • Ask her a question about anything. The time...where the restroom is and if she could take you. DONT SAY THANK YOU then the next time you go back to Target to can start waving at her....the beginning stages of becoming her friend. After thats might at some point make conversation and say: "Hey i'm sorry. I'm sorry about the other day, but thank you for helping me out, I didn't catch your name? Are you from anywhere around here?" and so on. Chats like these can lead to aim - texting - phone calls or date conversatingg and in your hopes Who Knows(:

  • Same as any other girl - with your wallet out and open.

    The cuter she is, the more it will cost you to get into her pants.

    Oh, and don't really have your wallet out, it's an expression. Women like to pretend that 'dating' isn't them accepting money for sex. So you'll have pretend that it's not too.

  • well if the target is close to you... you can keep going there and always go through her checkout line and then start talking to her more and more everytime and see where that gets you

    good luck

    ■■■■■■■■■PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION =)■■■■■■■■

    ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■10 points best answer (of course)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

  • like you approach the guy who changes

    your oil.


    to the point,

    makes a little small talk,

    and you always compliment them

    so they dont screw up your car


    have fun with it hun,

    talk to her like you would your friend.

    forget the nerves.

    this is life.

    dont lead up to it,

    just do it.

  • walk up and say whats up grow a pair

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