How do I improve my grades?

Alright, lets be frank. There are tons of questions like this on this site. I'm in high school, and I want to improve my grades. I'm terrified. I have three D's, an A, two F's and one C. I want to go to NYU on a scholarship and study Computer Science, and get my PhD. I'm a sophomore in high school, and if I **** up now, I'm going to go nowhere I want to go in life. My organization is sloppy, I fail my tests, and I don't do my homework. Those are my problems. Don't say "Get a tutor, ask for help." I don't have trouble understanding the material, it's just that I don't prepare for tests because I'd rather be on the computer. I want to go to College and then to Grad School. I'm downright terrified. Halp!


I'm a sophomore in High School.


  • I don't know what you want people here to tell you. Your chances of a scholarship at NYU are pretty much gone at this point. If your problem is that you're doing other stuff instead of studying then the solution is simple. Get off the computer and study! You'll have to study more once you're in college and then even more in grad school. YOU need to figure out a way to motivate yourself; nobody else can help you with that.

  • in case you desire a's. a million. Get adequate sleep. 2. by no potential bypass over a classification. 3. study like you ought to teach it to someone. 4. Do more suitable credit on your spare time in spite of in the journey that your grades are extreme. 5. communicate with the instructor about it. often times they are more suitable beneficiant in the journey that they understand you're trying. 6. in case you do not realize ask the instructor. 7. continually carry out slightly homework on a daily basis. by no potential attempt to cram on the finest minute. by technique of the finest exam, you ought to already understand each little thing and the options will in basic terms be evaluation. Get a e book on study techiniques and time administration that would want to be functional you study more suitable powerful.

  • ask what u can do for extra credit, and hand it random papers for more higher grades, or ask the teacher what you can do to higher your grade so u can graduate. i dont know what else to tell ya

  • Too late, the die is cast. Irrespective of what you hope for, the reality is you'll execute none of your plans. Plot a new course that makes sense for your skill and effort level. Above all, learn the phrase, "would you like fries with that?"

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