95 honda accord car won't come on?

Yesterday I was at my girlfriends house waiting for to come out and help me get something out the car and put turn the key to the car in 2 position so the radio and electronics would only be on. I then realized I had to move the car so went to turn to 3 position and turn the engine on and everything on the dashboard lit up and then the car turned off with the key turned in the 3 position. I then tried to start it again and nothing happened. I got out of the car and when I opened the door the door light wouldn't come on. I then went in the the house came back out 30 minutes later and the door light came on when I opened the door. I tried to start the car and everything on the dashboard lit up and then and the car didn't turn on and again the door light didn't work. The same thing happened this morning with the door light working and then when I turned it on the dashboard lighting up and the door light didn't work. I tried to jump start it using my girlfriends Nissan pathfinder but nothing happened the car still did nothing. I think with the jump though we did it wrong and only tried once and didn't leave it on long enough. From this information can someone give me an idea of what they think could be wrong with the car? I know the best thing is to go see a mechanic about it before I do that i want to see if maybe replacing the battery would help. Also the battery in the car has a sticker on it marked 12/11 I think thats when it was put in.


  • when you do a jump start give the other car a chance to put some power in your battery run it for 4 to 5 minutes first or car wont start flat battery for sure .could be starter but good battery charge will prove that point .ok easy peasy car will start if you follow those instructions .

  • If the vehicle is shedding numerous coolant, you do have a main issue. I had the same concern occur on my car and it used to be a head gasket leak. There was no white smoke or apparent leaks in my case either. That you may get the save to use a sensor probe to appear for coolant for your oil. I fail to remember the distinctive name of this process however. Additionally depart a sheet of newspaper in a single day below to car engine area to see if coolant is dripping down and evaporating.

  • sounds like the battery but that battery is not a year old yet so check the battery terminals for corrode ! it also could be the solenoid on the starter too, it could be hanging up and not kicking the starter in !

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