How to do a cartwheel?

Im 15, and i can't do a a cartwheel. even when i was in gymnastics when i was little i couldnt. i can do a handstand, and a backbend, and im fairly flexabile. i just cant get it down. i know i can hold my weight since i can do a handstand. i just cant kick over. help please!


  • It's hard to explain in words. Practice little kicks over. You may need somebody strong to kind of guide your legs at first to help you get the feel of it. Cart-wheels are nothing compared to hand stands. You can do it! Just don't think about it and throw it.

  • Go On Youtube And Look It Up. Also You Say You Can Do A Handstand Well Do One Then Go Off To The Side One Leg At A Time :)

  • I'm 15 too! I also used to do gymnastics and I'm currently a cheerleader and have been for 3 years. I can do a back bend(back/front walkover also), a handstand, and tee am very flexible. but I haven't ever been able to do a cartwheel either. I've been trying for as long as I can remember! If you ever find out a good way, let me know! Haha

    Sorry I couldn't really help you:/

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