How do I transfer iTunes to a new computer?

I got a new laptop, and I don't know how to transfer iTunes from my old one to my new one. I have tried googling it but i just keep going in circles. Thank you so much!


  • It is quite simple, actually. There are a few different options.

    Option 1:

    What you want to do is purchase an external hard drive, or a large flash drive. Assuming you are running a windows, you are going to go to open up your "My Documents" folder and find "My Music". In there you should find a folder that says, "iTunes Media". Copy that folder to your Drive, and wait for it to copy. Once it is done copying, eject the disk and copy that folder into the "My Music" folder on the new computer. Now you can install iTunes onto your computer and you can see all your music.

    Option 2:

    Install iTunes onto the new computer, and plug your iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc. into the computer. Once it is recognized, click file, and click "transfer purchases". It will load and transfer all the iTunes purchases. **Note** This method will not work with songs downloaded from CD's, etc.

    If you have any questions, just let me know! Hope this helps!

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