Do I qualify for unemployment???

I worked at a restaurant for about 2 weeks and I was recently laid off. My manager said that their were not enough shifts available and since I was the last one to be hired that I was being laid off.

It is pretty ironic, because my manager made me feel really uncomfortable. My first night working he flicked me off and teased me about looking under age. I kept referring to the fact that I had a boyfriend because I sensed that he liked me. One night my boyfriend came after my shift and we got drinks at the bar.

Two nights later he called and told me I was being laid off.




  • If all you worked was two weeks, then no you will not collect unemployment.

    Most states require you to have a minimum number of hours worked in the last 5 quarters

    Quarter = 3 months

  • I don't think your worked there long enough, but try it anyway. You can try a sexual harassment case. If You decide that route, than wait on unemployment until the result of that matter.

    To be eligible for benefits, a worker generally must meet the fallowing requirements:

    1) Be available for work and registered at an unemployment office

    2) Have been employed for a certain length of time within a specified period in an employment covered by the law

    3) Be capable of working

    4) Not have refused reasonably suitable employment

    5) Not be self employed

    6) Not be out of work because of a strike or a lockout still in progress or because of voluntarily leaving a job without cause

    7) Have served the required waiting period

    Three causes for denial

    1) Employee quits without cause

    2) Employee was fired for misconduct

    3) Employee is now unemployed because the employer is on strike or a lockout

  • Yes..if he laid you off (or fired you) should get unemployment benefits.

    Many people get laid of seasonally..if they live in tourist attraction towns and such. Their source of employment may only be viable through spring-fall months..and winter months you get laid off. Unemployment is sometimes the only saving grace to some folks.

  • if you only have two weeks under your belt you dont qualify,you need like six months work history in a row. call the labor board or go to their web site.

  • Who cares? Get off your lazy butt and get another job. Why should I support you with my taxes that come out of my check because you are lazy?

  • hes either a creep that liked you or they are over-staffed.

  • it's possible.

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