Why do you call your leaders "evil" especially your presidents?

Are you perfect to say something to others like that or are you an angel have the right to say that?


  • you know, every angel has a demon inside --

    and that goes for the demons as well.

    in short, you don't have to be perfect to have the right to say what you want to anybody. just spit it out and that's it.

    you know, people will not call them like that if they did not do anything bad in the first place.

    of course thay are the leaders, so they have to do evrything to make the filipino people live a good life.

    one more thing. if they don't want to be blamed (because they're gutless and can't do anything to help this dying country), they shouldn't have taken the position.

    our leaders are not really determined to elevate our lives. and because they're half - baked, we're still like this.

  • Why Gloria, she's not evil - just don't turn your back on her you're liable to get had like a lot of her ex friends. Now she has a cabinet composed to the people who helped her and have something on her.

    BTW, she is supposed to be an economics whizz having been Clinton's classmate "WOWOWEE!!" That's why the PI is the #1 rice importer in the world.

    I'll be glad when another crook (hey she made 12 million clear profit last year) becomes the president - maybe he'll care more about the people rather than himself.

    There's 2 points 4 you. As far as the thumbs are concerned, I don't care any more I just say what I feel.

  • GMA is a good president. She's very educated, commiting, and she at least proved herself that she has helped the Philippine economy. The media always focus on the bad stuff rather than the good things our president has done, which influences the people to think the wrong idea of our president.

    If you look at your surroundings whenever you visit Philippines (or if you live there), Philippines actually changed time by time, and in a good way too. I see garbage reduced, roads now more developed, and life is a little easier for the Filipino citizens.

    You don't have to agree with me, but I'm very happy I see some developments with my country. I hope GMA keeps up the good work.

  • I have the right to say that not because I am an angel or a saint or haven't sinned. I have the right to criticize people in authority because they are responsible for millions of lives and not just their own.

    Leaders are elected to govern people to live a better life but evil leaders prevent people from doing that. We are responsible to other people in a way but that is only in a social strata. Elected officials are entrusted with the money we pay with taxes, our security, and our future so an evil one would definitely ruin it all..

    Leaders are supposed to be better than me because they are in-charge of other people. If not, then anybody can just be one.

    Such a question seemed to be a defense of an evilness going on with such magnitude. Hundreds, if not thousands, have already been murdered to make them keep quiet and billions have already been pocketed. This is more than evil and not comparable to any person. Education, defense, agriculture, and welfare have been compromised. Rethinking of the situation might be an option to one.

    Now, do I believe that the current president of the Philippines is evil? Probably not as much as who's around her but the mere fact that she lets them bothers me.

  • wow....this is been alongside time because of the fact I even have seen lots bitterness. I have not have been given any situation with on occasion dropping the "president" whether that's comprehensive particularly as lots with one president or ex-president as yet another, or if this is been executed out of a few form of latest social style, yet while that's comprehensive intentionally via the clicking or a company claiming to be impartial, that's propaganda. in simple terms like photos, of each and every of the tens of hundreds of photos that have and are being taken of PRESIDENT bush, those that make it on the headlines consistently have his mouth putting open, or with some dumb seem on his face, that's a perversion of duty. it style of feels that it has come to the ingredient in this u . s . that once one team would not get this is way, they act like a toddler and play stupid video games, they run and "tell", they make up tale's, and that they pout. they do no longer face problems or differences in a mature style, they do no longer talk, they call names, rant and rave. would not this is great if all of us dealt with one yet another with admire and labored out our problems? while i became right into a toddler, i theory like a toddler, i performed like a toddler, i'm no longer a toddler, i'm going to place away my infantile, (properly maximum of them besides) procedures.

  • PGMA is just someone who does her job, being a president.

    People think she is "evil" just because they believe in people who are envying her position, doing everything to claim power. Most Filipinos don't realize that.

    People think she is evil just because their economic condition is not improved. They think leaders are superheroes who can bring change at an instant. People who are against her are spending more time criticizing her than to make solutions for the country's problems.

    Lucky that someone is willing to take responsibility for leading our country.

  • I'm fifteen...but at least I have a sense of social responsibility...and I mean...we are all human. We all make mistakes...but when your are the elected leader of a nation of 90 million souls, people like me expect that you make less mistakes. My idea of government is that you serve at the pleasure of the people, if our leaders continue to plunder the vaults of our treasury then who can blame the people for crying foul? I'm not specifying the current administration...but I disagree with those who say that this administration is best. Based on what? Infrastructure? If being a good president is about infra...then Marcos wins! There are many things that make a good president, and I'm sorry to say that a lot of people are biased and prefer presidents of recent memory...Read the history books...and determine whether our best president was Quezon, Magsaysay and Macapagal...cause they are my top 3..they served with the true meaning of service and governance burning in their hearts...maybe we need more people like them!

  • i dont think GMA is evil..she`s actually done a LOT 4 this country..and those stupid people keep on accusing her of this and that..well okay..lets say she has done all those things but hello..EVERY..and i mean EVERY government official stole some money from the people whether it be bigtime or small time..but the thing is there are a lot of past presidents who corrupted this country but it is only GMA who actually did something to make this country a better place..its in her term that the country`s economy was raised eventhough just a little..but still..look at the peso vs. dollar deal..its only in her term that the peso value had a little more to brag about..

  • random points...

    first of all, the presumption (of your question) might be wrong... are you sure Filipinos are calling our presidents "evil"? (PROOF??!?)

    second, what gives a person the right to call another "evil"? Does it require that person to be perfect? UHHH...

  • Filipino's should be grateful that GMA decided to lead them. She's the best president Filipino's ever had and its too sad to say that probably the last one. The rest are just vultures and crocodiles.

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