Why do teens............?

How come all teens these days think their life is so horrible? I find all my friends are cutting themselves and depressed. Their lives aren't even that bad! Why is everyone so depressed?

EVERYONE is acting like this! Why?


And They're only 13 and 14


  • Because it's harder to be positive than negative, so we all concentrate on the crap aspects of out life and ignore the things according to plan. Also so much is already planned for us and It seems like we're so restricted. . . you know... when we don't find a way we turn to depression. I actually don't know, but yeah so many people are depressed I've noted.

  • Some people suffer from clinical depression, they can't help it.

    I know not everyone has depression though, there's obviously a few attention seekers out there.

  • some kids are so depressed that they will want to commit suicide for doing a task like babysitting. Plus some kids can be hard to handle.

  • Wow, you're so nice to feel that way about your 'friends'. What your guy friend said was probably him over-exaggerating, but as for those who cut and are depressed, they probably have problems that they just don't want to tell a heartless 'friend' like you :)

  • The person that has the biggest, brightest laugh, might be the same person that cries themselves to sleep at night. You don't know what people go through, so you can't say that there lives are that bad.

  • I'd love, just love to give you my life story in great detail all the way up to when i was 14 but i really can't be bothered.

  • Some teenagers do just act and pretend and think that their lives are terrible, it's called angst. But not all, you may not know your friends as well as you think, don't assume.

  • attention seeking at 13/14 at 16 it can be due to stress from exams etc

    or prehaps family trouble

  • i dont thing EVERYONE is like that but i guess being a teen is just kinda tough compared to being a kid which is the only other thing teens have expierienced.

  • I look around and wonder what they have to be moody about. I am nearly 21 and when I was in my early teens I did have depression with good reason, a lot of bad stuff had happened to me. Unless there is a reason, it seems like they think it is cool to have a clinical condition. It astounds me too in all honesty.

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