How to impress my drama teacher?

I feel like my drama teacher doesn't like me. I want him to though. I always do my HW, I memorize my lines, I even stay after school to help the tech people sometimes. But I still feel like he doesn't like me. How can I get to to like me? He plays favorites too. How can I become one of his favorites? I do everything his favorites do, but still, I feel shunned by him. I have a good grade in the class too. :( I feel bad everyday just thinking about it. He's my director for the next 3 years of my life unless something happens.


  • I have the same problem with my drama teacher. Thing is, you can't "make" people like you. All you can do is keep putting forth your best effort, and be polite to him when you see him.

  • For some reason, every director has "favorites"

    Honestly, I've worked with three and everytime there are favorites. Not to toot my own horn but typically I am one of the faves as I am very involved in my school's programs.

    You can't force the teacher to like you and make you a favorite. Just do your best in class and try to be nice and friendly and maybe he will warm up to you!

  • Please do not concern yourself with impressing your drama teacher. At the end of the day she is just another human being, no more, no less. Concern yourself with growing as an actor and this will serve you better in your pursuit of an acting career.

  • Keep doing what you are doing, be positive and upbeat without being annoying and try your best. Instead of trying to make him like you just try to be the best person you can be and that will work much better!!

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