Do "hippies" annoy you?

Well, they do me. I lived "green" for about three years, but it got so tedious that I just gave up. Now I am more non-green than ever. I like to drive my gas- guzzling car. I leave the water running in the bathroom as long as I want to. I love to eat meat--that's what animals were put here for. It's not called "animal cruelty" when you eat a steak--it's called the damn food chain! Also, I've since discovered that hunting (especially deer) can be quite therapeutic. I am so sick of hearing about global warming and how the grandchildren of the next generation aren't going to have any resources left. Seriously, do you think that the Russians/Iranians/Chinese are going to let us live that long, considering the state that our world is in now? It may sound selfish, but why not enjoy life? Does anyone agree, or are you going to all bleeding-heart liberal on me?

P.S. I am a liberal, for those of you that are offended by that last sentence. However, I choose to focus on more important issues like health care, economic recovery, and civil rights---not on what McDonald's is doing to the cow population or how the river rats are being driven out of their homes.


  • Gee Lily take an aspirin you are giving yourself a heart attack I mean really chill girl Hippies are not your problem they left in the 70's you sound like you are the one with the problem you listen to, to much propaganda have a coke and smile

  • -Pit bulls are ALL vicious -Pit bulls are extra in all probability to kill or harm human beings than different canines -A canines is in no way the comparable as quickly because it tastes blood -Little canines won't be able to be risky -whilst a canines makes any noise from it truly is throat that's growling and is mad -If a canines barks that's offended -Stray canines will harm you -A fashion designer canines is better high quality than a mutt -Designers are properly well worth the extra effective $one thousand -A canines should not be recognized as a toddler -If a canines is propose it ability that's a pit bull -A white Aussie is a uncommon breed and is properly worth extra money (White aussies are generally deaf, blind or the two so in the event that they are actually not they're offered for extra) I observed a individual on "How clean Is your place?" the place that they had like 9 canines and that they enable them to hump one yet another and persons and that they enable them to "flow" on the floor and furnishings and beds and that they stated it became as a results of fact they needed their canines be "organic". that's no longer organic!!! i admire pit bull terriers, rottweilers, boxers, doberman pinschers, and different canines like that that have a recognition that's unfaithful and ridiculous. that's stupid. *LiZZiE*

  • family drives hybrids, we recycle, and we have solar panels, but I LOVE eating chicken and beef. I don't eat pigs but I love game and burgers. I can understand not burdening yourself to save the environment (I agree that enjoying life is more important than saving a little bit of paper or water), but you shouldn't try to blatently waste natural resources either, not saying you are, just that some people do.

    I'm moderately liberal, but I'm not one of those annoying, hyperpolitical, pro-marijuana liberals that bug the **** out of me.

  • No not really. I respect what other peoples views on certain things are. It's the radicals that only bother me. As long as I'm not forced to drive a hybrid or take a 1 minute shower they can believe whatever they want to believe.

  • I never equated greenies with hippies. Anyway, I agree with most of what you said, yet they call me Hippie Chick at work. I think it's just the hair, though.

  • Nope not at all I have no ill feelings toward any of the creatures on the earth

  • Liberals annoy me. I mean, it's not like Republicans and Democrats are any different, either.

  • Of course.

  • Wonderful story.

    Hippies don't annoy me unless they approach me when i don't want them too. Then again, it annoys me when anyone does that.

  • Welcome back to the dark side. And yes, tree huggin' hippies annoy me.

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