Does my Guinea pig have a serious problem?

I have only had him for a month, and he is a few months old ( I do not know just how many). Every once in a while he does this thing, were he shakes his whole body and jumps in the air. The rest of the time he is fine and friendly, it is just every once in a while he does the little shake thing then runs back into his hut.

Is there something wrong?

Should I get him checked out?


  • Hello!

    That's him popcorning LOL!

    It means he is happy, content and excited!

    You may ind him doing this when you bring out food.


  • That is a behavior of a guinea pig and it is called popcorning,. When they are happy or excited or they knew that food will come they will do this. Popcorning is a good sign that your guinea has a good health.

  • That's called popcorning! He's fine, it's just a little something that guinea pigs do when they're happy! :D

  • It sounds like your piggy is popcorning! This what they do when they are excited or happy. If you have a big cage or a cage mate for him, he will do it more often. A good cage size standard is on He will probably popcorn the most often when you are putting more hay, vegetables, or pellets into his cage.

    It is really fun to watch them popcorn. My piggies especially love to popcorn on the fleece sheets on the bed. Have fun!

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