Gastroenteritios every month?

Every time I get my period is get gastroenteritis, it's been like this for over a year, my doc doesn't do anything when I ask about it, I can't take it no more

Does anyone have any advise please x


  • Are you sure it's gastroenteritis or are you getting a day or so of diarrhea and cramping? We women get all the fun! It's very common during your period, often within the first few days, for your body to rid itself of more than just blood and lining. Your body goes through a full cleasing, naturally. Many women tend to think that they've got stomach ssues when in reality your body is doing exactly what it's suppose to be doing...cleansing itself to start all over again for the next monthy cycle. Truly it's not tons of fun, but if you know that you're body is suppose to be going through more than just bleeding, it helps to relieve your mind and your worries.

    As far as your Dr. not doing a whole lot about it...whether male or female, they tend to overlook the more natural occurrences of things and they aren't sure how to explain natural functions unless they are a homepathic Dr.

    Think about your body and the when your cycle starts....what are the similarities in each months cycle...when you figure these out, then you'll know what to expect majority of the time. Also, your body goes through changes over the years. Having a baby, changing in age, stress...all of these make differences in your body. Maybe you never got the "gastro" issue in earlier years but you have it now....perfectly normal! If it really is gastroenteritis - you'd probably have it outside of your period too. Not just while you're on it.

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