I preffer adobe flash to photoshop?
Mainly because I don't have a graphics tablet. Also I find that flash is sooo much easier to use.
I drew a pic in flash and wanted to turn it into a jped/some sort of image file. How can i do that. I heard that it's possible. Thanks in advnce.
Seriously!?!? I'm a user of Photoshop and I have mastered it already. It came on our school computers and I have learnt how to use it very fast. Btw I'm 13. Also you don't need a graphics tablet. You can use photoshop for editing photos like changing the hue and saturation, adding lens flare, clearing up images, skin toning, etc. I also use Photoshop for graphic art. Making backgrounds, logos and stuff. I sold a background to someone in my class for $10!