What camera do you recommend?

I would like to purchase a camera for photography, however, I am only 16 years old and am wanting to use it for when I go on exchange this upcoming summer, the summer of 2013, by which at that time I will be 17.

I don't think I need a really expensive, professional camera, especially since I will only be there for 3-4 weeks, but I would like to still capture HQ shots, especially night shots. I really enjoy night photography of cities and surroundings, but the camera I have currently (a Canon ELPH... Unsure of the exact model but it's about 7 years old... t'was a hand-me down) can't capture night images, even when it's on the "night setting".

I'm hoping for possibly getting a camera that can take shots like this...


Even though it is night time, the shot is still clean and clear.


  • Well I've been there ! I'm going to kind of break it down for you as best I can.

    You really need to first decide the usage of the camera. If its just for random shots around town, and facebook, twitter, etc, then you dont need a really technically advanced camera. Most basic point and shoots will work just fine for that.

    It sounds like you want something a little more serious. You will be looking at cameras with HIGH ISO abilities then and low grain. As far as slim goes, I would recommend a canon g12 or newer g series as far as point and shoots go.

    The other option is to get a DSLR rig which is ALWAYS going to be better than a basic point and shoot. When you start getting into DSLR cameras there are crop frame cameras and full frame. THE BEST in low light is going to always be a full frame dslr like a canon 5dmk2 or nikon d7000. There is also a second part though, and thats the lens. You will want a fast lens that is rated 2.8 , 2.0, or 1.8. I might reccomend you get on craigslist and look for a canon 40D camera body and go buy a canon 50mm 1.8 lens to go with it. That's not really compact but FAR outshines any point and shoot camera you can buy.

    I did my best to offer my opinions as a professional photographer. Any other questions feel free to ask me.

  • While the Fujifilm X Pro-1 used to take this shot is expensive, just about any DSLR would be capable of the shot (the photographer's another matter). If you can't afford new, find a local dealer who's willing to sell used kit with a warranty.

    More modern compact and bridge cameras are still cursed with the same small sensors

  • That shot was taken in what we call "The Blue" hour which is just before twilight is gone. It enables you to shoot at something like f8, 1/10th second at ISO 1600. Real night with dark sky will need higher ISO or wider aperture and will be noisier. My Sony A57 shot this one yesterday evening at ISO 3200 (you need a larger sensor to avoid digital noise). A37 is the entry level camera in that line-up.


    and this one it took the night before needed the lens wider open (less sharp) because it was night


    However you can get reasonable evening shots with a decent compact like the Olympus XZ-1 if you use support like a tripod or a wall and keep the ISO no higher than 200. The XZ-1 is last years camera and currently at a good price due to the XZ-2 coming out. I reckon its the best of the real compact cameras.

    This photographer, for example, did it well:


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