why has my ex bf made a new facebook?

This is the thing: my ex made a different facebook and I was wondering why??? Because the one he had before was completely private and there was no way for me to even see any of his pics or know what is going on? Now he made a new one and re added some of the friends from his previous facebook. and get this: before he made this new page. I made a page pretending to be one of his coworkers because I wanted him to become friends with me online and see what he was doing and 3-5 days later is when my ex makes this new page and requests me as a friend? & THEN!! just about 1 day ago his new gf or what I heard the rumors of her being his gf puts up a new facebook page herself!! and puts that she is in a relationship and he does the same and obviously with each other, but she only adds 4 people from her work?!? I am very confused she had like almost 30 friends now just 4 and they are all from work? also because of the fact I was not able to see what neither was doing? and now I can?! And why would they make new pages??? Pages that are not private? Supposedly my ex told me there were certain people that he works with that he couldnt trust. But i dont know. It doesnt make sense? Could this all just be a scheme to make me mad and get back at me for insinuaiting that they are together? It just doesnt make sense to me? Can someone help me out here???

Also I was not his friend on his previous facebook. because he wanted it all private I couldnt even find his name online thats how private he had it. So this is why I am jus so confused. He mentioned to me that he saw someone come into the breakroom and take the work schedule. and he had asked if it was me?? and it was but i lied and said, "No" and then I made a facebook page with the coworkers name and yea 3-5 days later he makes a new page and requests me as a friend?


  • In all honesty, it style of feels you do no longer prefer to delete him because you nevertheless CARE approximately HIM. i think of you're able to nevertheless have emotions for him yet from what you point out, it style of feels as though he moved on already. So by using this being reported, so might desire to you. initiate by using deleting him and any thoughts of him because of the fact it my carry extra injury to you.

  • Akkkkh take a deep breath don't take it out on the keyboard I mean come on!!!! Get over him

  • it sounds like he may have gotten involved with someone he met online and she blocked him and he made a new account to stalk her or someone else..I could be wrong though..also..with the last thing you said it sounds like he is hiding something..just be careful with your heart.

  • I'm not going to read your therapy issue but I'll just asnwer your question like this..............because he could.

  • stop the bs and continue your life

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