Is paranormal activity real?

That movie scares the heck out of me and now that I watched it i ceep hearing noises that I Usually don't hear....I coulda swore I hear footsteps dragging on the carpet in my house but it coulda been my imagination...


  • The movie is completely fake but things have happened in real life similar to it.

  • The movie is not real. They did not take scenes from the internet. It's just a movie, like any other movie. Look it up on wiki or IMDB. You'll find the actors doing just fine and well. The same gullible people who believed the Blair Witch Project was real will tell you "OMG it's teh real!! I heard it from someone!".

    That's exactly what the film's promotion hoped to accomplish. It works well.....on the gullible. but seriously, even if 1) supernatural things were real (they're not), 2) the events actually took place (they did not), and 3) someone actually made a movie from film clips on the internet (they did not), doesn't at some point your skeptical side say, waiiit.....that doesn't make sense. Can you imagine them being able to show people dying, like their families giving consent? Can you imagine any big picture house actually thinking it's ok to show real people dying? This should be one of those things that's a fun thrill, but no one with half a brain takes seriously.

  • No paranormal activity is not real it's just a horror movie and I think you might be imagining the noises because your stressed because of the scares you've had. Sleep will help loads get lots and lots of sleep

  • Yea. I have seen the movie at-least 100+ and it scared the crap out of me each time. You were probably imagining it because of how scared you were. The activity in the movie is real because they took the scenes from the internet.

  • Nah it's not real, but yeah that joint is scary! I think it's cool though! Gets the whole audience to b on edge

  • No, the movie is pure fiction. You are only freaking yourself out.

  • that movie isn't real....haha. there's actually interviews with the people in it. i believe in ghost though. but if you haven't heard the sounds before than it's probably your imagination. i remember when me and my friend saw it, we couldn't sleep at all.. we stayed up all night. haha

  • It's a real movie. That's all it is, is a movie.

  • If you watched the movie, then the noises arent real bacause it happened to me to. And, yes the movie is real.

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