My dog eats crap? Hes a pug.?

Why does my dog always eat my other dogs poop? Both of my dogs are pugs, and they LOVE eating poop.


  • Coprophagia--alot of dogs do it. eewwww! I've included a link for you check out. Pureed pumpkin-not to be confused with pie filling, a powder called Forbid and tablets available from pet stores can help. Its a disgusting habit though for sure. Good luck to you

  • Just the way it is. My dog eats poop sometimes too. It is one of the only behavior problems you can have that is pretty much incurable. There's not way to train it out of them...

    But when I increased my dog's diet and filled it more with food she enjoyed, she stopped eating the poop as much.

  • Some dogs eat dog poop, most dogs don't.

    The best way to avoid them eating poop is to pick up quickly. They can't eat it if it's not lying around in the yard.

  • So do most other dogs, I still can't figure out whey, the smell should deter them, instead it attracts them, I'd be careful they not eat too much especially if anyone is taking any kind of medications

  • Most dogs eat crap. My aunts dog does that and so does my friends. It's normal.

  • LOL you've got yourself a ****-eater, huh?

    A lot of dogs do, just yank them away if they start to. Or maybe start feeding them more.

  • Just so you know.. dog (keh) in Korean literally translates into "dung eater".

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