Do you think Americans deserve McCain or Obama?

And do you think we will get what we deserve come Nov 5th?


  • Obama


    Because he has had people and news reporters tearing into his life like a Police CSI investigator


    And if a man as he can still come out on the polls ahead after all the mud and history of how he was can still stand and talk like a proud man


    Then this white guy is voting for him


    Even if he is a black man


    There I typed it

    aka said it


  • It is a fundamental tenant of democracy that reasonable people disagree. Some in the republican movement feel as strongly in support of Senator McCain as I feel in support of Senator Obama. The amounts of fervor and passion are equal and, in most cases, so is the sincerity of the commenter’s belief. Virtually all of us want what is best for the country. So, in November, we’ll vote and the issue will be decided.

    As for me, I believe this country has huge problems that won't be addressed by keeping things the same. The issues are complex, the entrenched interests wield incredible power and only Senator Obama seems to have a chance of changing the direction of the county. It's a serious time.

  • I think the vast majority of Americans deserve McCain.

    That is not a flattering statement either.

  • You will get the government you deserve, if you care enough get involved in politics and try to do something about it.

    Enough people cared to overthrow the tsarist regime in Russia in 1917, kick everybody out of Afghanistan (several times), gain independence for India in 1948, form the state of Israel, lets not forget independence for the USA in 1776 as well.

  • I hope we get more than we desreve with Senator Obama.As a UnIted Steelwker Union Rep, I know how important to get Obama in the office,John Mccain has supported every job killing agreement in the last decade

  • I lost faith that America would make the right choice in 2004. The 2000 election was bad enough but once people found out what Bush really stood for but still elected him in 2004 was just inexcusable.

  • Depends If you think you better off today Vote Mc Bush/Palin 08

    If you not vote wise Vote Obama/Biden 08

  • They deserve whoever they vote for.

  • Obama of course. McBush got it wrong when he said the fundamentals of the economy are strong

  • Ohh.. we will get what we deserve. There is no doubt about that.

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