Why do employers encourage employees not to unionize?

I was just curious because a topic came up about unions and it said employers will treat their employees well because they don't want them to join a union. I was wondering why that would be?


  • Unions are crooks that take additional money out of your pocket and then tell you if you didn't have them ou would be making less pay with less benefits.

    However, they've steered the public wrong.

    Without a Union, you would be saving the initiation fees to join ($250 bucks is the cheapest they'll go).

    Then you have monthly union fees.

    Again, more money out of your pocket. So by the time a year has passed, you probably gave over $2500 bucks to a union and for what? You probably work the same amount of hours, your insurance didn't get any cheaper, you probably didn't get extra vacation days or a bonus.

    Go to a website called Union Facts.com. Read about the real unions and where your union fees really go and how much per year the big bosses make.

  • Trying to deprive you from your rights.

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