how do i become a fireman / policeman / paramedic?

i have been on numerous websites. Rang numerus phone numbers. Wrote to numerous people!

how do i get in the services?

i'm hqrd working, looking for a career and security for my family yet cannot even get a application form for any of the above services as they have no places?

NOW unless i'm wrong?............

we need more POLICE, FIREFIGHTERS, PARQAMEDICS, coz the last time i needed any of the above they where not available!

this is not a rant, just want to help and the chance to help.

any ideas?




  • You must contact a particular department, they will give you the information to apply for a job with that department.

    Some require you to have the certifications before hiring and some will pay you while you attend school.

    Every department is different and unless you talk to them nothing is going to be helpful.

  • Without knowing where you live it's a bit difficult to give you a decent answer

    IN the UK, you can easily get an application by going onto the website of whichever

    locality your local police/fire fighters/paramedics are in

    Simply search 'your location police force ' and take it from there

    Remember they get thousands of applications and in the UK only around 10% of the total applications are successful to get onto the training, and even then that does not guarantee they will succeed

    I know this because I know someone who applied recently

  • Since I'm also trying to be a police officer, I can tell you at least this much: The requirements vary from department to department, or state to state (for state police.) Almost all of them require college, if you're looking at small departments you'd most likely need to put yourself through the academy before applying. Most of them take prior military service in lieu of college credits.

    If the department is hiring: You'll have to pass a written examination

    If you score high enough on the written exam, you'll move on to a physical agility test.

    If you pass the physical agility test you'll have a background test and a polygraph examination, and the interviews.

    Departments hire a specific number of people, so it's extremely competitive. Good luck.

  • UK, USA, Canada, Timbuktoo? knowing which country would help you to get an answer that would help and apply to you.

  • it actually Fire Fighter not Fire Man because Fire Man is Sexist

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