My dream: A Coincidence or Not? (dream come true!!)?

Okay can someone please help me with this one!?!

I had a dream two weeks ago that I received a phone call from my mother, who informed me that my grandfather (of whom I am/was really close to) had passed away. Deeply saddened in the dream by the news, I then woke up out of the dream and in realizing that it was just a bad dream, felt a great since of relief.

A few days later after having this dream, my grandfather celebrated his birthday and I was able to speak with him and wish him well and tell him that I loved him. Little did I know that would be that last time I'd speak to him. Later on at the end of that week he suffered a stroke and two days thereafter my dream came true. My mother called me while I was at work and informed me that he had passed away, just as she did in my dream two weeks prior.

Not only did he die two weeks after my dream but 40 days before my wedding, a date in which he himself was so so so excited to see come and anticipated more than anyone else. I always deep down had a gut feeling that something would occur to keep him from attending my wedding (as his health wasn't the greatest) but I always supressed that negativity and remained optimistic.

I've been told by others that perhaps God was trying to prepare me, or tell me something. Some have even classified it as a prophesy. I really don't know. I'm just sad that he isn't here anymore, and also curious as to why I'd have a dream that was so completely accurate just two weeks before it came true.

So was this dream a coincidence or something more?


  • Unless I clearly know whether it is original or not, I cannot guess. Can you please tell me how I can verify.

  • Well I am really sorry for your loss, that's never an easy thing on its own. My suspicion is that there may have been a part of you that was unconsciously fearing the idea that your grandpa may not be able to make it to the wedding. I don't know what his health was like before then, but I'm guessing the thought had crossed your mind. When you are anxious about something like that, especially at an unconscious level, it often comes through in your dreams. This may have been less of the dream coming true because you had the dream, but rather you understood the reality of the situation and that came through in your dream.

  • First of all, I'm sorry about your grandpa and i hope all is well. Second, I actually had a similar dream coming true situation. Last year, a few months before going on a trip to Europe on a tour with one of my teachers from high school (I'm now in college) and a group of other students, I dreamt that I was sitting on a couch like romantically with a guy that I know that just happens to be a kid that I really really disliked at the time, we were in the dark and There was a huge window infront if us and I was facing him and behind him there was a tv with the time on it. It turns out that a few months later, I went to Vienna and I ended up having a deep conversation with this kid, on a couch, with the view of the city, in the dark, AND the tv behind him. It was crazy because it was total deja vu. One of the craziest weirdest dreams that I had actually happened to me, the person I once didn't like became someone I ended up having feelings for. I feel like it could just be coincidence but after reading this post, maybe it could be more.

  • isn't that cool whilst that occurs? i'm no longer so fortunate - the few cases in my life that I dreamed, all of them got here actual yet around 6 to eight months later - long when I extremely have forgotten approximately it. It drives me nuts using fact i be attentive to I dreamed it, yet could no longer bear in techniques what occurred next. Grrrr.... yet yeah - it quite is cool. shop a checklist of those desires and whilst they arrive actual. you have precognitive desires.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure he is watching over you right now and making sure you are happy.

    It sounds like you did have a premonition of your grandfather's passing. You were close with him and probably sensed his ultimate demise. Or it could be your grandfather was preparing you for his passing.

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