Is America in serious danger?

Is it going to recover economically?

Is the economy getting better, or worse?

And does America have enough allies and military power to protect itself in the event of an attack?


  • We can't say for sure. We can only pray that we recover economically, but I have to agree with the first answerer who believes we may be in too deep.

    The economy is not getting better for sure. We are still borrowing billions of dollars EVERYDAY. It would take decades just to pay off the interest on our debt. We are in dire shape.

    As far as allies, we only have ONE that is a true ally. We certainly have the military power though.

  • Yes, sorta and that order.

    America has been on her rear before and got back up again. I remember the year Reagan took office and the recession that arrived later that year. And the one in '73-'74. This economy will always run hot and cold because people are allowed to speculate with others' money.

    America has no friends, only countries with mutual interests, and that is but a mere point in time in the flow of history.

  • This is so hard to say. Honestly I think our country is screwed. Our government has messed up so badly in financial terms that I don't think we can bounce back this time. I feel like were at the peaking point right now, I guess it has to get a lot worse before it gets better, so I think thats what will happen.

    I think our military is strong, but we're so vulnerable as a country because of how indebted we are to other countries. We need to press the reset button.

  • The economy is in the tank and will be for quite awhile. Probably recovering a little around Christmas. If we are nuked, we do not have enough resources. If there is another terrorist attack, even a soft target one, America will change but we can cope.

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