IP Addressing Problem?

Hey, I don't fully understand an IP Addressing Question that I have gotten in my Networking Essentials class.:confused: Here is the question:

Assign IP addressed and networks to all links using the following IP space. Use the above diagram.

So, I will try to describe the diagram: (feel free to ask me questions if I am not clear enough)

At the top of the diagram is Router 1. Attached to Router 1 is Router 2 and Router 3. Both Router 2 and 3 have a switch attached to them. Both of the switches have two host computers connected to them.

Here is the information I am given:

Your IP Address space: /23 (this is in /n notation)

Your networks must be able to support 190 users on the Router 2 network and 64 users on the Router 3 network.

Finally, there is a chart below that:

There are four columns: Router 2, Router 3, WAN Link, WAN Link


There are 7 rows: Network Address, Subnet Mask, # Users Supported, Gateway Address, 1st Usable Address, Last Usable Address, and Broadcast Address.

That's about it.

Here is what I have gotten, though I am not sure that I am doing this properly:

Information for Router 2:

Network Address:

Subnet Mask:

# Users Supported: 254

Gateway Address: ?????

1st Usable Address:

Last Usable Address:

Broadcast Address:

Information for Router 3:

Network Address:

Subnet Mask:

# Users Supported: 126

Gateway Address: ????

1st Usable Address:

Last Usable Address:

Broadcast Address:

Information for WAN Link:


Information for WAN Link:


Thanks in advance for all the help.

Awaiting your replies,



  • Couple of things to help you . Using a x.x.x.0 for any address can only be done with caution. And Router 1 has to have an address, that is the GATEWAY address for router 2 and 3!

    For help - I will point you to a site that explains this well.


    and one to use to calculate the correct data


    I guess I could just correct your "nearly" correct info (by the way the IP for net TWO you need to look at again. And if you can I would say avoid using x.x.x.0 - yes it CAN be used but has to be done very carefully or it won't work.

    I suspect your router one subnet will be in the with a /23. AND router three will have to start with 179.20.45 (not a 55)

  • I have a problem with a course that puts 3 routers in series. You run a router to the world. You run switches from the router. If you need more than 253 internal addresses you buy another external address. (Over 700 computers connected to one external IP address makes dial-up look good. Even 200 is asking for uselessness.)

    And forwarding ports to the computers on Router 3 is a nightmare. Always engineer for worst case - in this case, worst case is "no workee".

  • ?a similar ip handle¿, ?How is that posible¿. I thaught that the router supplies a distinctive ip addres to any kit. properly i want extra innovations ?Why a similar ip addres¿, ?what style of router are you utilising¿, ?Is that a on the spot community or are you plugged¿. possibly you want style of password to your community or your ip, I don´t understand. in case you be able to open this internet site, then deliver me extra innovations for if i will help you.

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