noh8 campaign photoshoot ?

i want to go to the noh8 photoshoot where most celebrities go to take their photos like kim kardashian, aaron carter, brooke scher, etc.

can normal people like me go ? or is it only for celebrities ? and where is it ?

please help for easy best answer


  • Easy best answer. Uh huh.

    Okay, here ya go, from a Hollywood veteran:

    Assuming a public event:

    First you have to get press clearance. You don't get anywhere near celebrities without the magic wristband or laminate or, more usual, your name on the right clipboard. No clearance, no red carpet and those huge security guys will make sure of it.

    To get press clearance you have to be with an agency that the publicist for the event likes. Even then, you will be in the back, so bring a small stepladder. Plastic folding ones are the best, available at hardware stores.

    To get with an agency you have to have a book full of images, preferably published somewhere with tear sheets to prove it.

    This gets you into the pit with dozens of other people who are going to get the same shot you do. Only one will sell - and that's gonna be the guy with Getty, AP, Wired or Starz.

    Normal people can go on the Noh8 website, find out where the rally is going to be and bring a long lens. You may actually have an advantage of the press guys in the pit if some disruption to the event occurs - say a counter demonstration. Having a wider lens and being closer to where the counterprotesters are could help, especially if you can move real fast.

    You have no chance of getting into a private shoot with a celebrity unless you know the photographer, publicist or celebrity and even then your chances are slim.

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