Do you think racism is a bigger problem in Europe or America?

I am an American living in Europe and have been shocked at how many blatantly racist comments I hear in Europe especially about Turks but also about Albanians, blacks and other groups. In America racism is a well documented problem, but it almost seems like it is ignored in many areas of Europe. Why is this? Historically this is a significant problem as it is in America with the Holocaust, colonialism, and Bosnia to name a few. Is it just because most European countries are more homogenous than America so it is viewed as less important? What are your thoughts?


  • you will detect a lot more overt racism and sexism in Europe. You will note newspapers and employers call female personnel "girls" and get away with it.

    The issues with race relations in America are pretty one dimensional. Black vs. White. The established order is not that old, either. In Europe you're looking at thousands of years of tradition and culture. In American the latest arrivals to be at the wrong end of discrimination are from the last three decades.

    There was never a religious war in the United States and though there is prejudice between Protestants and Catholics and plenty of antisemitism to go around, it is nothing compared to what you will find in Europe.

    That is why I am always amused when Europeans hurl their insults at American culture then in the same breath revert to the hatred and prejudice they have practices for centuries.

  • I think the problem lies with the fact that America as a country has placed too much importance on racial issues. For instance, the term "African American" helps nobody. What's wrong with being a black man? Nothing. American society has made the word "black" out to be a terrible word that should be dammmed at all opportunities.

    In Europe, a lot of countries are still stuck in a racial timewarp. If you look at Spain, people are still chanting racist abuse at football matches, so it shows that there is still a problem there. It should also be notted that Spain has a rather small black community nationally, and maybe this is why racism seems to be more acceptable in Spain.

  • I think Europe is more nationalistic, which leads to racism to groups that are not the same nationality. In America you can melt into thje society if you want to, But say a Morroccan will never be considered French even if they grew up there.

  • Please let me know if you get a good answer to this. The differences I see - is that in Amerika they live in very seperated areas - which I think is very racist.

    Here you see them moving in the same buildings as where you live (though at work you hardly see any) - but yes, they are seen as a lower kind of species - people are very rude to them.

    I think racism is very deeply ingrained in western culture - and people do not even want to think about it.

    Here people really think that the darker the colour of your skin is the more stupid you are.

    Why do you ask?

    I live in the Netherlands - but I have visited the U.S. two times.

  • Racism I feel has turned. It is no longer directed at the black community as much as i would tend to say it is directed at the white community. The black race is no longer a minority but will always be defined as one. If there is any severe racism in the US, I would say it is completely directed at the Arab community now.

  • I think european racism is more intense,and racism as an issue is as serious as it is in the states...

  • Sadly, I think racism, bigotry, bias, and stereotyping are all global human problems.

  • in europe because in america its always been a mixed population only in recent times ( especialy in Ireland ) has other races come in2 the country and we dont like it

  • racism is a perfectly normal idealogy...

    you use statistics to make hypothesies on other people,

    why is that so bad?

  • I think your the problem because you won`t let it go. You are addicted to being a victim. grow up!!!!!!!!!!!

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