Marine contracts for specific MOS?

I read that you can get a contract for a specific MOS instead of an open contract. How does this work, do I tell the recruiter I want a contract in X mos and he'll notify me if theres a slot open?


assuming i qualify ofc


  • You choose three MOS and then the marine corps chooses one for you. Im pretty sure everyone starts out open contract, but once you go to MEPS and leave to boot camp, they change it from open contract to whatever your MOS is. Im contract 0300 infantry. Just got out of boot camp. To be honest with you, i regret not looking at all the branches and what they had to offer. If i could go back, i would go and check out the airforce. I was just to ignorant and thought being a marine is the only way to go. now looking at my life and looking towards the future, i question myself and wonder if being an infantry marine is the best thing for me and my life. So before signing anything, find out what each branch has to offer, even the coast guard. Think about college and think about all the benefits they offer. Think about reserves also, there are good benefits in that. Goodluck. Hope everything works out well!

  • BAck in the day that was a recruiters ploy to get young men to enlist. Promise them one thing and once you sign you are property of U.S. government. As a former United States Marine I will tell you this;;; You should enter the military with an ambition to serve...NOT be persnickety about your Job MOS (military occupational status) For example if you want to be a clerk for example and you are bad at organizing, spelling and typing contract or not you will be classified to do what the corps thinks you will be good at. (Incidently in the USMC 90% of us were professional bullet stoppers.)

    Good Luck!

  • In the Marine Corps, you choose a Field to enlist in.

    Then while at Boot, the Marine Corps chooses the specific mos, in that Field, you will do.

    IE: you can choose the 0300 infantry Field

    But you cannot choose the specific infantry mos you will do.

    0311 -- Rifleman

    0312 -- Riverine Assault Craft

    0313 --LAV Crewman

    0331 - - Machine Gunner

    0341 - - Mortarman

    0351, Assaultman

    0352 - - Anti-tank Missileman

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