Has School Dress codes gone too far?

I understand some school dress codes should be enforced by it seem's that some school carry this way too far! No sketti straps? No tank tops? When it is 100 degree's putside and kids are being forced roast their butt's off? Meanwhile, teachers are wearing them to school! What is so sexial about armpits anyway? I think some school's are making kids think their bodies are shameful instruments that must be concealed at all times to avoid sexial harrasment. Newsflash! Sexial harrasment happens anyway! Now, I understand nasty stuff like hiney's hanging out, breast popping out etc but don't you think some schools are over reacting?


  • i dont think there should be a dress code... its something called INDIVIDUALITY!!! i dont really understand y theres a dress code in school becuz they are gonna wear the clothes other places regardless... *** stupid dress codes!! lol

  • First off, the school you attended must not have an English Class.....that covered grammar and spelling. Tank tops and shorts that are mid thigh in length are good enough for gym class. If the tank top has coverage that is not low cut then the school has no reason to gripe. IF girls insist on wearing the type of clothing that is appropriate for the beach instead of school.....they need to be taught to respect themselves. THIS IS DONE BY THE PARENTS!!! So to put it in plain ENGLISH...Parents need to take some of the responsibility for the way they raise their children.

    As far as the SEXUAL HARASSMENT.....that is up to the individual to stop. If you dress like a slut then expect to be treated like a slut. This is not only for the females. Guys qualify too!!! Pants must be worn at the waist. If the pants have belt loops...use them for what they are there for....A BELT!!! There is nothing wrong with wearing a light weight cotton T-shirt and a pair of capri pants (for females) or a light weight pair of pants (for guys) when the weather is hot. Besides, most schools that I know of have been remodeled since 1970 and have air conditioning.

    If teachers are wearing spaghetti strap shirts without a button up blouse over it....what does that say about the school's dress code for teachers?!

  • HAVE the codes gone too far? No they have not gone far enough. I think uniforms are more appropriate and the best answer. Everyone is in the same type of outfit, no peer pressure. less cost. Polo shirts with pants, skirts, shorts or skorts work in any area of this country. Tube tops, spaghetti straps, mini skirts, short shorts... not really necessary in a school environment. You can not pick and choose who can wear those items. You have your whole life after high school to pick up guys and make a fashion statement. be glad you live in the era of air conditioning and more lenient dress codes and just deal! If your teacher is wearing something inappropriate, then let the office know.

  • I think they should just make you wear uniform and end it. I know people will whine and be all "But I'm an individual!" but you can still do that with uniforms and in fact its easier as its more noticeable. I wear a uniform to school and although sometimes its completely retarded [like in summer] most of the time its so much better. It's completely hassle free as you don't have to choose an outfit. Next year we get own clothes and our entire year is whining as they have to go shopping for about 100 outfits. You get used to the simplicity of it.

  • When I went to high school, we weren't allowed to wear spaghetti straps or anything that showed off the midrift or any cleavage. I dont think it's armpits that they're worried about. Most spaghetti strap tanks I've seen are rather revealing.

  • The school should provide several seasonal uniforms at no cost to the students. Yes, it would mean raising taxes on the rich after Bush is gone.

  • no i think we should have all the kids wear uniforms to schools, no peer pressure on who has the best clothes or shoes, everyone wears the same.

  • yeaaah, duh!

    but then again, some -most- dress codes are so like. people can't be made fun of for clothes.

    really stupid stuff. o_O

  • Silence! and put on your veil you harlot!

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