Fun games for a PE class.....???

Okay so my mom teaches physical education at this homeschool co-op, and is fresh out of game ideas for tomorrow....

The ages range from 7-13

She wants something that incorporates running, throwing/ kicking

That the littler kids and the bigger kids can both have fun doing together.



  • four square its very fun

  • a game called patriot ball, u get gymnastic mats at every corner of the gym. there is home plate in between on of the smaller sides. One team is in the outfield, while one team is hitting with a taped up big wiffle ball bat. A pitcher stands on the center of the gym and pitches a volleyball. On one bounce, the person hits the volleyball. If it hits the wall, 5 points. if it bounces and hits the wall, one point. U can also get a point by running around the bases twice. 5 outs and u switch. Tons of fun. if u have any questions about it just ask me.

  • how about a combition of things like: football, soccer, catch with a tennis ball and frisbee, for a couple of ideas and good luck

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