omg car accident, no car!?

ughhhh! so mad i got in a car crash and it was the lady fault, 2 witnesses even said she was at fault!!!!. now my car is done :(. its smashed in and her insurance wont cover it because the value u to fix it, is more than the car so there offfering me the price value of my car. im like its not fear first my back is hurting, loss wages i lost money because i couldnt work more hours now and i didnt go into work. then pain in suffereing like im 23 and i just moved out with no transortation im llike pmsing right now stressing out. can i sue the people in win... this case i need to know im going to a lawyer after work..


  • You'll need medical proof of your injuries. You will need documentation of your lost wages. Her insurance should cover you with a rental car until you get a new one.

    If you didn't go to work and didn't have a medical excuse, that was just your choice.

    Hope you went to the hospital/doctor.

    You sound like someone who just wants money... all 'pain and suffering.' If it's true, then fine. Put yourself in the woman's position and decide how you would feel if someone was acting like you are toward you.

    Best of luck.

  • def get a lawyer, and explain the details you should be able to get some type of compensation !!! you may have to move back home for a bit till you can get back on your feet.... good luckl

  • jack a car...

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