Don't eat after 7 or 8pm latest when you go to bed at 10 or 11pm.
Don't drink coffee, black tea or caffeinated drinks after 5pm. Even better, don't drink coffee at all, it will make you sleepy in the morning before the next one…
Do not take medication with activating effect after lunchtime, such as 24h Sudafed or Vitamin B12.
Don't eat heavy animal proteins, cheese, fish (especially smoked fish), meat, or very greasy fried food for dinner. (I would not drink milk either) they need too long to digest, and you will digest all night.
Instead eat Bread and food rich in vegetables and carbs like potatoes (not fried), pasta f.e.
Shut off all electronic devices, such as TV and computer an hour before you go to bed.
Don't sleep with your phone or other electronic devices on your night table.
Darken the bedroom completely.
Don't take sleeping drugs or alcohol to help you sleep, they rather knock you out and you will be drowsy next day.
If you think your sleeplessness is fem. hormone related, check your estrogen levels with gyn. Look for yams creme in the vitamin shoppe.
Go to bed and rise at regular times each day, even on weekends.
Reading for 15 minutes or less in bed makes me extremely tired…
Regular exercise is also good for sleeping, but pumping exercise in the evening or at night can keep you up all night as well.
-exercise is always an option because your body will feel tired and would want to recover.
-its suggested to NOT watch TV one hour before bed, it just keeps your brain active for a certain time
-take a warm/hot shower or bath. this will relax your muscles, nerves, etc.
-warm milk and tea do help a bit, but it may not work for everyone.
-blindfolds are also useful or earplugs
-changing your sheets every week actually does help. fresh sheets just feel more comfortable, which is what your body wants to feel when sleeping
-change your pillow. if you have been using the same pillow for years, most likely the pillow has just lost its comfortableness (best way I can describe it, sorry) and a new one just relaxes your head better. get a pillow that adjusts to your neck and head and is super comfortable to sleep on.
-DON'T take pills or Nyquil or other junk. Your body may build a tolerance for it and before you know it, you will need it every night. Over-the-counter products should be the last thing to use.
-AVOID late night snacks like sugary drinks and foods and caffeine
Omg magilina no wrong answer sorry I completely disagree with that. Ok to fall asleep faster and possibly sleep better is to try to go to sleep at or at least close to the same time every night, warm milk isn't going to help you lol and doing push ups until you're tired no this will worsen you're ableness to sleep your muscles will be to sore and last but not least pills aren't going to do anything but make to where you need them to sleep later on lol just try to go to sleep at the same time every night and try to relax your body and think about something you like and not to move around to much.
consistent with probability you're able to attempt taking Melatonin? "while Melatonin works, it’s no longer something wanting remarkable. interior a 0.5 hour of taking the complement, your eyelids would start to quite slump. that is going to placed you right into a deep sleep in the time of which you will adventure bright desires. You’ll awaken with the solar, thoroughly refreshed and able to initiate the day. some people checklist that they awaken of course minutes earlier their alarm clock is going off. It additionally boosts sunlight hours alertness, and prevents you from feeling sleepy returned till bedtime." My mom went years basically drowsing 3 hours a evening, then she began taking Melatonin and now she sleeps like a sprint one.
I hear this a lot but try drinking a warm glass of milk, do like push ups until your tired, aand you can also take like that night medicine thing.. Idk..try NyQuil or something.
Some Do's and Dont's
Don't eat after 7 or 8pm latest when you go to bed at 10 or 11pm.
Don't drink coffee, black tea or caffeinated drinks after 5pm. Even better, don't drink coffee at all, it will make you sleepy in the morning before the next one…
Do not take medication with activating effect after lunchtime, such as 24h Sudafed or Vitamin B12.
Don't eat heavy animal proteins, cheese, fish (especially smoked fish), meat, or very greasy fried food for dinner. (I would not drink milk either) they need too long to digest, and you will digest all night.
Instead eat Bread and food rich in vegetables and carbs like potatoes (not fried), pasta f.e.
Shut off all electronic devices, such as TV and computer an hour before you go to bed.
Don't sleep with your phone or other electronic devices on your night table.
Darken the bedroom completely.
Don't take sleeping drugs or alcohol to help you sleep, they rather knock you out and you will be drowsy next day.
If you think your sleeplessness is fem. hormone related, check your estrogen levels with gyn. Look for yams creme in the vitamin shoppe.
Go to bed and rise at regular times each day, even on weekends.
Reading for 15 minutes or less in bed makes me extremely tired…
Regular exercise is also good for sleeping, but pumping exercise in the evening or at night can keep you up all night as well.
try this:
-exercise is always an option because your body will feel tired and would want to recover.
-its suggested to NOT watch TV one hour before bed, it just keeps your brain active for a certain time
-take a warm/hot shower or bath. this will relax your muscles, nerves, etc.
-warm milk and tea do help a bit, but it may not work for everyone.
-blindfolds are also useful or earplugs
-changing your sheets every week actually does help. fresh sheets just feel more comfortable, which is what your body wants to feel when sleeping
-change your pillow. if you have been using the same pillow for years, most likely the pillow has just lost its comfortableness (best way I can describe it, sorry) and a new one just relaxes your head better. get a pillow that adjusts to your neck and head and is super comfortable to sleep on.
-DON'T take pills or Nyquil or other junk. Your body may build a tolerance for it and before you know it, you will need it every night. Over-the-counter products should be the last thing to use.
-AVOID late night snacks like sugary drinks and foods and caffeine
Omg magilina no wrong answer sorry I completely disagree with that. Ok to fall asleep faster and possibly sleep better is to try to go to sleep at or at least close to the same time every night, warm milk isn't going to help you lol and doing push ups until you're tired no this will worsen you're ableness to sleep your muscles will be to sore and last but not least pills aren't going to do anything but make to where you need them to sleep later on lol just try to go to sleep at the same time every night and try to relax your body and think about something you like and not to move around to much.
consistent with probability you're able to attempt taking Melatonin?
"while Melatonin works, it’s no longer something wanting remarkable. interior a 0.5 hour of taking the complement, your eyelids would start to quite slump. that is going to placed you right into a deep sleep in the time of which you will adventure bright desires. You’ll awaken with the solar, thoroughly refreshed and able to initiate the day. some people checklist that they awaken of course minutes earlier their alarm clock is going off. It additionally boosts sunlight hours alertness, and prevents you from feeling sleepy returned till bedtime." My mom went years basically drowsing 3 hours a evening, then she began taking Melatonin and now she sleeps like a sprint one. 
Sometimes staring at ceiling with your eyes wide open for about a minute makes them feel very heavy and knocks me out within 5 minutes.
I hear this a lot but try drinking a warm glass of milk, do like push ups until your tired, aand you can also take like that night medicine thing.. Idk..try NyQuil or something.
Melatonin. they work great .