Why is Yahoo so contrary??

They deleted a response of mine concerning anti-Bush attitudes of today. No cursing, no threats, but obviously anti-left wing. Yet I can go over to the culture & community section and there are people slinging around the "N" word and other scorching racially derrogatory remarks which *are* violations of the TOS. I don't get it. If Yahoo's version of freedom of speech selective? Does the Yahoo employee that happens to read your flagged reply go by personal rules? Because I think it depends on who replies personal descretion instead of one set of standard rules. I also dont understand why, if you have an online business (thats not porn or related), why you can't promote it through your 360 or email signature. Yahoo is so contrary.....


  • First of all, remember that Yahoo Answers is mostly an automated system designed to respond to people reporting abuse. Nobody at Y/A actually reads the reported questions and answers to see if they really, truly violated the rules. If enough people complain, then they yank the "offending" question or answer sight unseen.

    Secondly, they don't even make a pretense of being fair or just. They make it clear in their terms of service that they can do as they please and everything is at their own "sole discretion."

    Thirdly, I've seen them cut some of their pets slack and let certain users violate the rules while other people, doing the exact same thing, have their question or answer yanked.

    Welcome to YaHELL.

  • Please re-read the Community Guidelines, http://answers.yahoo.com/info/community_guidelines...

    to avoid possible future violations. While it may appear arbitrary, it is ALL the result of people on here reporting things. The things you cite will probably be reported and deleted eventually, as well. And, people DO report others -- for little or no reason. It happens. As to the on-line business issue -- Yahoo SELLS advertising -- that is how they make money -- it is not about to just give it away for free to people on 360 or something like that.

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