(Girls) Why do you stop contact?

Sometimes I over analyze things, especially when I'm trying to go to sleep. I start thinking too much about a lot of things. I was thinking last night about my past relationships and stuff and I started to wonder why friends who were girls that I liked back then stop contacting me. I remember they would call me almost everyday and want to talk to me and I try to figure out why they stopped but I don't know why. I feel like it's me or something but I know I shouldn't think that. Any ideas why? :( I would appreciate it.


  • because they used you while you were useful to them.

    dont be so friendly to girls. if you like them, you set the tone from the beginning.

    if a girl doesnt like your demands then tell her you are going to stop talking to her and then actually do it.

    your interactions with girls will become much better this way. simple and efficient.

    dont second guess yourself. set the rules, be kind, and get to know alot of different girls

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