Paranoia over intestinal worms! HELP!?

Symtoms I have: Fatigue, diarrhea, restlessness, grinding of teeth at night. I am so scared I told my dad about this and he made me take pepto bismol today and I was wondering if pepto bismol kills parasites. God I hope so. Also, if I poop out the worms will it be dead or alive?!

I've always been skinny ever since I was little (I also had worms back then) and was wondering if the worms are taking all my fat because I'm 14 and weight around 76-80 lbs but I dont eat a lot only 3 meals a day(I skip breakfast) I remember my dad giving some type of pill that made my worms go away but maybe they survived. Will the good bacteria in my stomach fight off these worms or will I have to deal with it myself? I'm so afraid to do my business now because every time I think myself going all I can think of is tiny magets or earthworm like worms coming out and wiggling all around :'(

Any cure for this?


  • love your heart i have had a fear also though i have never had it happen but i dont have any pets because of it but here is some info i found from yahoo on home remodies but you should go to the doctor and find out for sure ...

    Almost everyone is afflicted by intestinal worms or parasites at some time or the other during their lifetime. It is one of the most common disorders The main symptoms of intestinal worms are bad breath, diarrhea, under eye dark circles, restlessness at night with bad dreams, constant craving for food, headache and anemia.

    The most common causes of intestinal worms are contaminated food or water. Dirty fingers and food may give rise to roundworms. Hookworms enter the body through the skin pores from contaminated water. Foods contaminated by dogs or undercooked non vegetarian food may give rise to tapeworms.

    However according to nature cure the real cause of these worms is wrong eating habits. These worms enter the body through infected food and water and lay their eggs and can breed in the intestines if they find a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with toxic matter and systemic refuse due to wrong feeding habits.

    Home remedies for Intestinal worms: The treatment for intestinal worms should commence by putting the patient on an exclusive diet of fresh fruits for about six days. He may thereafter switch to a well balanced diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, milk and whole meal bread. Foods such as cream, oil, butter and all fleshy foods should be totally avoided. This treatment should be continued till all worms are eliminated and recovery is observed. A warm water enema should be administered daily during this period for cleansing the bowels.

    Several home remedies have also been found to be beneficial for the treatment of intestinal worms. One such remedy is the use of garlic. The procedure is to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walks the garlic is crushed and its oil is absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines due to its powerful penetrative force. This oil possesses unique properties of killing the worms.

    Another useful remedy for intestinal worms is coconut. A tablespoon of freshly ground coconut should be taken during breakfast followed by a dose of castor oil after two and a half hours. This is an excellent remedy for expelling all types of parasites and worms. This remedy may be repeated frequently till cure is complete.

    Carrot is very effective vegetable in the elimination of threadworms. The process is to take a small cup of grated carrot every morning. No other food should be added to the meal. This remedy can eliminate the worms very quickly.

    Another remedy which is beneficial in the removal of worms is the fresh juice of unripe papaya. A tablespoon of honey and fresh papaya juice should be mixed with four tablespoons of lukewarm water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed by a dose of about 40ml of castor oil mixed with 300ml of lukewarm milk after two hours. If necessary this treatment should be repeated for two days. Children of age's seven to ten should be given half of the adult's dose.

    Seeds of ripe pumpkin are also very effective in destroying intestinal worms especially tapeworms. After the seeds are peeled and crushed, an infusion is prepared which is useful in killing parasites and help in expelling the tapeworm. Before giving this infusion it is necessary to fast for one day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dry prunes. Three tumblers of this pumpkin seed infusion should be taken the next day.

    hope this helps good luck

  • You should see a doctor if you even suspect that you have intestinal parasites such as worms. They can do a blood test and figure it out. Good luck.

  • On the plant this can be a fruit, off the flower this can be a vegetable

  • I like fruits over vegetables because I feel that fruits just feel "fresher" somehow.

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