Ectopic Pregnancy Or Miscarriage?

Im 7 weeks 5 days.. I woke up today with sharp pain and small amount of bleeding. I filled 3 pads. around 5pm it got sharper. And the bleeding stopped. Now Im stuck with massive cramps. It hurts to do anything. Im Having Pain after peeing. Now The Blood Is Pink. Some stomach pain. Lower Back Pain. And What would i say to doctor about both/one of the things?


  • If you think it's Ectopic, go to the ER, because that could be very dangerous depending on where it is. They do say most Ectopic pregnancy happy at week 7 though =( It could honestly go either way though and I'm sure they'll ultrasound you

    So Sorry for your loss

  • You filled 3 pads? If any of it was clotted, similiar to that of a regular menstrual period, I would say you definitely miscarried. Usually after bleeding you will still experience some cramping.

    And just a general ill feeling.

    I would let your doctor know tomorrow or whenever they're open that you think you miscarried, and he/she should perform an ultrasound to see if theres still an embryo.

    But there's no point in going to the emergency room, miscarriages are very spontaneous and once they happen your body pretty much takes care of it.

    It doesn't sound like an eptopic pregnancy.

  • You should definitely go to the doctor. It's difficult for us to know but it sounds like a miscarriage to me.

  • Defently go to a dr or ER just tell the dr exactly what you wrote here I hope your feeling ok xx

  • i would go to emergency!

    u are probably miscarrying and there is not much they can do but they need to check its clear and no clots and things!

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