do you keep rats or mice as pets?

or is the idea of owning a rodent for a house pet just repulsing to you?


  • Hi,

    We have four pet rats, all male, they are absolutely delightful, we've had all manner of pets over the years, but I have to say the ratties are our favourites, it's such a pity there is such a stigma attatched to pet rats, because they are delightful little creatures.They are so affectionate, and too clever by half.Each one knows their own name, and they adore human company.They are all fastidiously clean, grooming theirselves constantly, they are just beautiful, i'd recommend them to anybody as a pet, but always keep them in pairs or groups, and they thrive on interaction with their humans!

  • I have rats for pets - 12 of them! They are great pets - smart, friendly and extremely CLEAN believe it or not. When they're held by us people they immediately wash themselves. They're easy to train, a bit mischievous but always fun. I would highly recommend them as a pet. They only live 2-3 years usually, and (I hope this doesn't sound bad) but unlike a dog that will live 15 or so years, their passing isn't as hard to take.

  • I had a Rat when I was about 9 years old. The first time I saw one as a pet, I was grossed out but they were our classroom pets and soon I grew to love them. My rat was very sweet and easy to take care of, I would strongly recommend one as a pet.

  • puppy rats definitely predate laboratory experiments on rats. i have self belief rat catchers used to shop them previously the first significant plague, and it became in the course of the 2d plague that medical practitioners keen to commence finding out the rats they suspected of being carriers. conserving any animal as a puppy is going decrease back to the starting up of agriculture, which turned right into a good... uhh... 2000 years in the past? as someone already suggested, there are cultures global that were no longer as barbaric of their attitude in route of rats as western cultures.

  • I don't, and I wouldn't, but only because they're not interesting to me.

    I do have rodents- I have gerbils.

    But I understand what you mean about the potential of feeling 'repulsed' by mice and rats; humans have come to associate them with disease, being bitten, and overall poverty. Rats also smell quite bad, in my opinion, having worked with them.

    However, domestic rats, if proper hygiene is practised, pose no threats to humans disease wise and its rare for them to bite.

  • no ! i think its cool. i had 4 rats and 3 mice before (at different times of course), but they do tend to stink up the room u keep em in! Rats are less scary then mice.

  • Unknown fact by most, Rats are usually smarter then dogs. Not kidding. Rats are HIGHLY intelligent creature. Smarter then the average dog.

    When me last female died, she knew a total of 17 tricks, including coming when called and jumping through a hoop. We use to let her free roam in the house because she would come the second when she was called. Not only that, but my rats have NEVER pottied outside their cage. They will for the first week or so you have them, but if you put them back in their cage the second they potty, they will learn in less then two weeks to only potty in the cage. I have NEVER owned a rat that has gone potty outside of its cage for more then 2 weeks

  • You can have a rat or mouse as a pet. And I think there pretty cool plus there easier to look after then most animals

  • we keep mice their so cool and funny i have seen them and pet them i mean caried them they have cool little bodys i think their actuly cute

    ur lucky! ^_^

  • I've never had one, but I know someone that does.

    They're actually pretty entertaining.


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