Is writing sentences a corporal punishment?

Im 14 and dad makes me write sentences, but he makes me write like 200-500 at a time. he says stuff like "until your hand falls off" and "until you bleed". he says this is not a corporal punishment or child abuse and everyone should make their kids do this when they do something bad. is it?


  • I don't think it's a great punishment, but it's not corporal punishment because he's not physically harming you.

  • No it is not corporal punishment in any form.

    The National Association of School Nurses defines corporal punishment as "intentional infliction of physical pain as a method of changing behavior." This can include hitting, shaking or slapping, either with the hand or with an object, such as a paddle or a belt. Corporal punishment becomes abuse if it causes injury to the child.

    Read more:

    Stop doing things to deserve punishment, problem solved

  • Corporal punishment is being spanked at tuition. Do some study. EDIT: and that i just graduated last year, there are plenty of schools that also spank. And honestly, i dont know ONE individual i went to school with that will rather take detention over licks [you had the choice usually]...Thats why i feel spanking in tuition is ineffective...It doesnt damage that dangerous and its over fast...The most they were allowed to provide you with at once at my college was once four licks... EDIT: nobody is saying you deserve it, were simply telling you what corporal punishment is...And to only do the sentences..Get it over with its not a gigantic deal.

  • It's a silly punishment in my opinion, because it doesn't teach you anything. The point should be to learn a lesson not to punish you "until you bleed.." Sounds like he has serious issues he needs to work out.

  • Nope, not corporal punishment. As for your dad's opinion that everyone should make their kid do this, that's just what it is, an opinion. So just put up with it. Besides, it'll be good for your handwriting.

  • It builds character. I got the leather belt when I was a kid. Quit whining.

  • If you do bleed, yes. Highly unlikely, though.

  • no unless you write so much then you bleed

  • If you would stop acting out then you wouldn't have to do it. Did that ever occur to you?

  • i'm 13 and if my dad made me do that then i would run away or call CPS.

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