Opium content of California poppy?

I was told a warden of a California State Prison liked california poppy's and had them planted on prison grounds. He then learned that the inmates could get opium from them so he had them removed. Do you believe a person could get any opium from a California Poppy? Do you believe this story? I don't.


  • While it is true the CA poppies contain opiate the actual amount is very low.

    Poppy seeds used in foods are no longer a concern for drug testing. The tests used today are able to discern concentrations from edible sources and drug/medication sources. But where there is a will there is a way.


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    Opium content of California poppy?

    I was told a warden of a California State Prison liked california poppy's and had them planted on prison grounds. He then learned that the inmates could get opium from them so he had them removed. Do you believe a person could get any opium from a California Poppy? Do you believe this story? ...

  • all poppies have small traces of opiates

    that's why people that eat poppy seed muffins can fail drug tests

    the actual volume of opiates in California poppies is probably very minuscule compared to actual poppies used to produce drugs, so its mostly impractical.

  • I've smoked some california poppy, good smoke.

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