help epidural??!?!?!?!?

so, the only thing i know about epidurals is that it eases with the pain,,, but whut i want to know is does it numb your whole bottom half or your body? i know its a stupid question...but iam the type of person were if a part of my body goes numb i FREAK out and i was just wondering if that would happen... or maybe if the pain is so bad...i wont even have the thought of freaking out?? i just need someone who has been through it Befro to tell me sorta whut an epidural does?


thank you so much : )


  • You can't get up and walk around with one, but you don't feel numb unless you have too much but then they can turn it down and the numbness goes away. I think it makes labor so much easier! I could feel my legs but no pain.

  • Yes, it numbs your bottom half. Only thing you will feel while the baby is coming out is the pressure it will cause.

    If you freak out over your bottom half going numb for a short period of time then don't get the epidural and do it the natural way.

  • Um with mine they made my fiance (now husband) depart the room. And I needed to hug a nurse that I did not understand for relief. I wasn't too completely satisfied approximately it. But oh good. Anyways via that factor I used to be in SOO a lot to rather suppose them placing the epidural in.But after supply which used to be at 12:24 they mentioned they might be in in a while to take away the catheter from my again. Well they did not come till approximately 6 within the morning. It used to be incredibly uncomfortable. And after they took it out it harm worse, or I spotted the soreness extra on the grounds that I wasnt in exertions anymore =D I believe the significant tape that's in your again is what harm while getting it eliminated. Overall it used to be exceptional despite the fact that. I obtained my epidural at 6 cm's I consider, and forty five mins after that (which that entire time I used to be capable to nap) I used to be nine one million/two and just about capable to provide. I don't forget my hubby calling my mom and dad, who had simply left for McDonalds, to hurry again otherwise they have been going to overlook supply! It gave the impression adore it helped velocity alongside my exertions, however it is going to have simply been accident!

  • An epidural is an injection that goes into your spine, which numbs your bottom half, its only used when really needed. Its not a stupid question atal. x

  • I did not go numb from my epidural (which I had to have due to high blood pressure problems.) I was not allowed to walk around, but I could feel my legs!

  • well an epidural is ok. i didnt like it much because it gives your whole body from the waist down that feeling that your body parts are asleep. they weren't numb for know the tingly feeling you get when your feet or something go to sleep. not the painful tingly but the tingly before its painful is what it felt like to me. not only that but they have to cathaderize you every so often to make sure your bladder is empty which i didnt like either and you have to lay on your back with a pillow under one side of your. But i assure you you dont feel any pain. atleast i didnt

  • yes the bottom half your body will be numb, i am 28 weeks and had to get an epidural for the 1st time when they put my cerclage in at 20 weeks and i was awake the whole time!! its not bad, it just weird that i couldnt move my legs when i want to, but it weared off after about 10 hours. but BE CAREFUL getting up to walk after it has weared off, cause you may feel like you can walk but your legs wont!!!

  • Go to this site its shows a video of where they put it and what happens, it will answer all the questions you have!

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