Do I have acute paranoia?

Well,I'm 13 and ever since i was 9 i have been completly losing my self esteeme untill i eventually developed an eteating disorder.I'm extreemly negative and scared almost to tears whenever i'm even around other people.I get alot of racing thoughts when other kids talk to me or ask me to hang out.I feel like they want to trick me. When I raise my hand in class,no mater how it goes,I feel sick and my heart rate is really high. Its so stressful to be with people i havn't hung out with people more than half a dozen times since i started middle school a year and a half ago. It's alot worse when i'm alone though, especially at my house. I'm looking behind my shoulder every few seconds and i hear these noises.Even when it's tiny creaks or bumps i sit with my ear to the wall, to scared to move.Earlier i sat in bathroom for fifteen extra minutes before i could finnaly get myself to open the door.Also,it's a little embarassing but,i've hardly slept in my own bed for as long as i can remember.i'm really getting worried about myself so do i have acute paranoia?


  • If you're really scared or nervous tell you parents/friends, whoever will support you, and they will help you. Don't be afraid; they won't laugh or ignore you; they will help you through this tough time! you need to get help. dont worry everything will be just fine. good luck

  • It's not a mental illness. It's a symptom. I had it for a week when I was having a nervous breakdown. I was convinced that I was going to be put in prison for a crime that i didn't commit, based on something I had written down. The trouble with paranoia is that the worse it gets, the harder it is to trust even the people who are closest to you. So you need to get it treated before you get to the stage that you don't trust anyone at all. I know how lonely it gets when you have paranoia. good luck. Anti-psychotics for a few weeks should help and then you'll be back to normal.

  • You should see your doctor with your mother. You are 13 and this is a huge hormonal growth spurt for you right now. Hormones wreak havoc on young girls at your age. You do sound paranoid for sure but you also sound anxious and insecure, both common symptoms in young teen girls going through puberty. You need to get a handle on your eating right away.... so go to your doctor, tell them what you told the forum here... write it down if you have to.... and make sure that doctor does vital tests (heart rate, temperature, lungs) and some blood work.

    good luck

  • Honey, you don't have acute paranoia. People with paranoia don't know they are paranoid.

    What you do have is extreme anxiety, and possibly panic disorder. Are you seeing someone? You don't have to live like this.

    All the best.

  • you do sound like an anxious little bug! does your family realize how anxious you are, or do you do a good job of hiding it? because they need to know and understand so they can help you feel better.

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