Democratic or Republican? Liberist or Conservative? Which political party do you favor?

I am conducting a survey, please tell me your political party state of residence and your gender. If you an , leave the reason for your choice.


Is anyone an independent


  • lol is this a trick question? like just by default i have to choose from the list above because thats all the "political system" in america offers?

    How about i dont favor any because they all end up down the same road, do you really think that by voting for one dude or another will make a difference in the policies that the politicians are going to set for you? Or is it just kind of a game to get you to vote so they have your consent to govern you.

    Like for instance what if nobody voted for them? would they all pack up and go home because nobody in america wanted a batch of theives and liars to represent them? lol i doubt it and i highly doubt that by playing the voting game you will pursuade the one world government to change what it is they have in mind to accomplish

    Heres an idea quit voting for them to represent you and represent your own estate? no? Oh right people are too stupid to do that and it would be anarchy....... How about quit financing them? Or no never mind im retarded its governments that sh**it money out of thin air to enslave you with its not borrowed on your behalf and with you and yours kids promise to pay it back at compounded interest. with your land and resources and labour pledged as collateral...

  • Real men and real Americans don't have political parties, because they do what is best for all, not their friends. The American is an endangered species, and the government offices are occupied by two different organizations, with very little American input

    Republicans or Democrats? Thats like a SEAL sniper forced to aim for the 10 pointer on either side instead of stickin' it to the bullseye.

  • Republican



    And the great state of Louisiana

    Reason for beig a republican- I believe in the Constiution

  • Your question isn't correct because as a people we only have two choices either Democrat or Republican and both parties are bought and paid for by big money. The Democrats tell you they are for you then screw you while the Republicans tell you they are out to screw you so I'm for neither.

  • Republican California Male

    Becuase I believe in the Consituation and the Morals that built this country

    I am a weed smoking America loving hardworking former US Marine that swore to defend this nation against foriegn and domestic tyrany

    But I also believe that America is the land of the free and we have to give to recieve Dont touch my 2nd ammendment and if gays want to be miserable let em get married just dont be so gay about it

    Tax should be raised at 550k and only be awarded tax breaks if you donate to slienxe schools jobs things that help our country

  • Fiscally conservative, i side with independents with social issues. overall i prefer republicans

  • hmm my party isnt up there.

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