Does anyone else quote Arrested Development?

I find myself using phrases from Arrested Development all the time. Most of my friends have never seen the show, or have watched it very little. They always think I'm crazy and don't know what I'm talking about. Does this happen to anyone else?

macaroni.....let me finish......salad


  • "Keep your balls in the air" generally raises many questions

    "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I just BLUE myself" No one understands why I crack up at the sight of the Blue Man Group

    I try to slide Bob Loblaw into conversation as much as possible, but no one seems to be interested in the Bob Loblaw Law Blog *sigh* Woe is me!

    I'm thrilled its going into syndication (hey, look what it did for Family Guy!! *keeping fingers crossed*) But I'm so incredibly peaved that Fox set it up to fail--how many people even KNEW when the finale was aired? My boyfriend and I are the only people I know who watched the show religiously.

  • Season 1 ep 1 when George Sr has just been arrested and goes "i didnt make you president of the company because a husband and wife can't be arrested for the same crime!" Michael "....ummm, yeah, I don't think that's true" Cracks me up everytime!!

  • Heck Yes!!!! A.d. was the best show on t.v. 'till it got canned. It really made me mad that while that show, A wonderful comedy, was being ignored, other shows like cops and american idol still stay at the top of the charts! What the hell is wrong with people. Sorry to sound so bitter, but damn I miss that show!

  • YES!! I'm still pissed it was canceled. I use quotes from the show all the time, my favorite - Saying "Marry Me" in completely inappropriate situations. SOOO funny.

  • yes!!!! Yes I do that all the time, no one gets it and I find myself laughing hysterically with people staring at me like I'm insane

    it's great.

    The one I use the most is; "I don't understand the question, and I will not respond to it."

  • No I don't quote it, but I love that show! I didn't think it was on anymore, if so what network is it on? Fox35? Lifetime? What? Thanks! Email me network please.

  • sorry ,I've never seen that show.

  • 'I have no problem with that'. :-)

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