Does 1199 insurance cover Invisalign?

I want to know if Invisalign is covered by 1199SEIU insurance. If it covers some parts, how much would you have to pay?


  • You'll have to call to figure out how much, but typically, orthodontics of ANY kind, is covered at 50%, with a LIFETIME maximum of $1500 or $2,000.

    Regular braces usually cost around $3,000 to $4,000. Invisalign usually costs $7,000 to $9,000.

    So, insurance "covers" their part, and you pay the balance. If you want the most expensive kind of orthodontics, the insurance company doesn't care, because it doesn't increase THEIR costs, at all.

    So if you want that invisalign, be prepared to shell out $5500 to $8,000 yourself, and the insurance should "cover" the rest.

  • Read the policy.

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