Do guys prefer virgins?
I'm an eighteen year old virgin. I'm not ashamed at all, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't really excited about having sex *one day. I just haven't met a guy who I truly like. My question is do guys prefer good girls/virgins? Not in the sack, as I'm aware some experience is preferable, but just in general, for a relationship?
It shouldn't matter.
I just read this article earlier today, the first part of it talks about this kind of thing... You may find it interesting/funny, it's called "5 Psychology Studies Every Awkward Teenage Should Read" and #5 is No Sex Now = Greater Life Satisfaction Later.
It makes absolutely no difference to a guy if a girl is a virgin or not. It used to back in the 40's and 50's when almost all girls were virgins until marriage but now, guys can't expect every girl they begin dating to be a virgin. It's really not an issue anymore. And by the way, personally, I am very proud of you for remaining a virgin due to the fact that you just haven't found the right guy to have sex with. Nothing to be ashamed about. Sex is suppose to be fun, exciting, pleasurable, and fantastic. It can only be that way if you have sex with someone you really care about very much to the point where you want to express those feeling through sexual intimacy. So stay the course and you will be rewarded with the best sex you can imagine.
To be honest I'm not sure, I think guys prefer different things, but I know that I wish I had waited and given it to my boyfriend. So good on you for waiting!
waiting for the right guy is good
you will b happier later on in life when u realise waiting was good
you want it to be special and remember it forever. so dont just do it to getit over with, find the right guy 
me as a guy i would be more or less say to my self if it hasnt happen it will not happen with me so no i dont pre fer a virgin but then again i got a crush on one right now but i think she will let me if i wait will i that is the question but i can wait forever if she blows me everyday
I feel the same way I am saving myself and waiting for Mr, Right. It is alright to wait.
Men are thirsty ass niggas. They do anythin that moves, honey. Best believe.