what is a contract marriage?

well my bf is in a contract marriage and hes in the army but im not quite sure what that is and if i have to worry.


im not purposely with a married man. he said its nothing to worry about, but i want to know more about it.


  • My understanding of a contract marriage is a marriage of convenience (generally for money reasons) not love. This does not mean he will dissolve the marriage and marry for love because there was a strong reason for the marriage in the first place and if this does not change then the marriage will not be broken. Beware!..

  • I don't think a contract marriage, whatever that might be, would be legally binding. Unless he is married in a church or by a justice of the peace and had a real marriage license, then the marriage probably isn't legally binding. Two people can't just "contract" to be married.

  • a contract marriage is a marriage that involves two military people getting married. it all has to do with money if you marry a person in the military that and you are in the military you get more money, but most of the time the are not involve with each they are just doing it for the money. it doesnt mean they are in a relationship it is all for finacially gain.

  • Whatever it is contract or any other kind of marriage your with a married man

  • swell if i was dating some one who was married i would be a little worried. normally a contract marriage is where folks decide up from what property will not be consider community property when they get married -- common in older couples who remarry and have children or rich folks who worry about a gold digger.

  • why are you with a married man

  • it's a bargain with Satan.

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