A perfect translator?

im doing a lot of spanish work now..i was wondering if someone know a really really good on-line translating website.. thank you :)


  • you're never going to find an exact online translator because no language translates exactly to another.

    try bablefish.com or googletranslate.


  • No translator site is perfect. Best to try two or three with the same input and do a bit of backwards and forwards between the source and translated languages. The ones I've had most success with are Translator Bar, Google Translate and Babelfish. Bear in mind with electronic translation it's very much a case of garbage in garbage out and restructuring your sentence to make it less colloquial will get better results. A plain dictionary site is also useful as for instance recently a friend of mine had an argument about the words grapadora and engrapadora (stapler) and it was sorted as to the difference between the two using the dictionary not an online translator. (btw engrapadora is a regular stapler and grapadora (industrial) is a staple gun, online translators translate both as "stapler").

  • Google translator is perfect. It translates when you are typing. Here how to get there:

    Go to www.google.com

    Click on the "More" tab at the top of the page.

    Click on "Even More"

    Then scroll down untill you see "Communicate, show & share"

    Then, you should see "Translate"

  • I have a dumb strict Spanish teacher and everything has to be perfect. I use google translate and it's never noticed :)

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