How long do premed classes qualify you for med school?

I will be going into the Army for a career which will occupy my time for a good 20 to 25 years.I will be an officer via ROTC so that would require me to get a bachelors degree.During my bachelors degree could I fulfill my premed requirements and classes and still qualify for med school once I'm out of the service?I will also be undertaking some studies into another bachelors degree the last years of my army career.If that degree is science related could I still fulfill some premed classes if my older classes no longer qualify me?Would I still have to take some premed classes that are lab related?My med school of choice is the Lake Erie School of Osteopathic Medicine.The primary care 3 year program in particular.Anybody with experience in this area?Thank you for your answers in advance.


  • There are two issues to consider.

    One is whether your chosen osteopathic school will admit students over forty years of age. Health science professional schools, despite the law, are concerned that the people whom they have trained will have long enough careers to "give back" the benefit of their skills to their patients.

    The other is whether you can arrange an army program which will allow you to attend and complete medical school during your active duty at government expense. A good place to start research on this issue is the official website of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Read the "frequently asked questions" on its school of medicine page to learn about this opportunity.

    I do not have a direct answer to your question, but I hope that you will find my answer to be helpful.

  • Most require the classes to be taken within the past 5 years before applying. Some will allow up to 10, but that is rare. LECOM does not explicitly say on their site, but they require the classes within the last 6 years.

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