7th grade Drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I would describe janey as controlling, a leach, mean, and...... my best friend. She always has to be my partner in everything at school. She tells me to shut up all the time, and teases me in "fun". I am pretty sure she is using me just so she has a friend in her class. we have other friends , but they aren't in our class, so she uses me. If I made a big production and ditched her, i will loose some of my friends in other classes and I wouldn't have a partner in my class. Sometimes though she can be cool and funny. She has a reputation that is kind of mean, and it's rubbing off on me. Sometimes she trys to embarasses me in front of popular people to. Everyone thinks we are bffs, including her. I'm sorry to say, I think I am afraid of her.

Now, Kelsey is a cool, nice, and fun girl in my class. I want to be her friend, but she doenst know me as well cause janey always steals me. We had been friends before, but janey ruined it. She has tryed to be my partner once or twice, but janey always has me. Now she pretty much always goes with Libby, this nice but slightly geaky girl who is also in her class. They are ALWAYS together because they always expect me and janey to be together. Somethimes I get slightly nervous around her, because I am afraid I am not saying the right things. I've even heard she calls me mean sometimes. But im not mean! I'ts totally janey!

So as you can see, I wan't to ditch janey for bobby but i'm afraid. What if things don't work out with me and bobby and I'm left by my self? What if my other friends get mad at me? How do I gradually disolve from janey and start with bobby? Please help me. OMG. 7th grade friend drama is KILLING me!


  • Middle school's a beyotch. It gets so much better in high school, believe me.

    Anyway, just hang out with the one you like. If you want to "gradually dissolve" from Janey, it'll happen if you just let it.

    Good luck!

  • talk to the teacher of the class you and janey have together. IN PRIVATE. dont let ANYBODY know you talked to the teacher not even your best best best friends. Be as sincere as possible. I know it sounds munipulative, but come to him/her with the saddest look and tears in your eyes if you think it will help. only do this if you think you can trust the teacher. tell them all of this, and in the end ask if they can please assign partners but not let anyone in class know you're the one who wanted him/her to do it (or the whole class will be Pissed Off at you). this way, you can chill with the person you want and janey can do whatever. get closer to your other friends then they are with Janey so that when the time comes that you flip out on her, you wont lose them. btw, if they're gonna side with her over you then they're not good friends at all. Don't tell none of them any of your deep dark secrets because it will come back to haunt you. no matter how sincere they seem, when they get mad at yu or they pic janey over you, your secrets will be spilled on the canvas for the whole 7th grade to know. Who's bobby? I'm guessing Kelsey and Bobby are the same person?? idk. Be friends with who you want to be. dont be afraid of her. if you are, DONT let it show. at all. she'll mainpulate you then.

  • I say you should talk to janey because shes probably just using you to make herself look better. Tell her how you feel. Say,"Look im so tired of you always making fun of me and i wanna take a break from our friendship i Hope you understand." If she does anything to make you feel threatened try speaking with you school counseler. If you dont put your foot down then Janey will never get the message.

    ~Ihope your situation works out

  • omg!! i'm a 6th grader and i'm already going through that bullshit! find some other friends and become really close with them and leave janey **** those other kids that don't wanna be your friend if you break up with janey they are not your real friends so why on earth would you still wanna be their friends?! haha i'm figuring this out at an early age. :)

  • If theres any chance Janeys absent just go to bobby. uhhm. if janey embarasses you in front of the popular kids, embarass her back. and if she like asks u WHAT ARE U DOING? just tell her it was just a joke chill. (act like u were kidding) Just make her be annoyed of you. When shes annoyed with you then go to bobby. I suggest you act like her. Whatever she does to you... Do to her.

  • Okay first you shouldn't let Janey boss you around like that kinda if ur friends get mad at you explain to them and stuff if there ur true friends they will understand.Hope I helped!

  • heavily the final element you're able to do is forget approximately any drama. the final element you desire happening to you is somebody starts gossiping approximately you and you contain your self or you act as though this is fairly bothering you and if it would be attempt to no longer prepare this to them by any ability by using fact in case you prepare it to them then they are going to save doing it and to them this is going to likely be like stealing candy of slightly one =P so do no longer enable something get to you i know its perplexing this is got here approximately to me yet forget approximately it and that they substitute into uninterested in it. merely build a bridge and recover from it by using fact if somebody starts spreading rumours approximately you or a pal or some thing your people know that this isn't any longer genuine. and remember your people are there to lean on whilst your feeling down =]. solid success with each and every thing desire I helped =]

  • there's only one thing to say... "goodbye!"

    you'll learn that as you get older you'll face real problems in life and having a mean friend is total bullshit which you obviously don't need - who does? anyway, you sound like a really sweet girl so i don't know why you're putting up with someone who treats you like dirt. someone who treats you like this is not really your best friend, love.

  • I'm not going to say that your drama isn't important but take my advice and ignore it for now. in high school it will be worse but better because you will definitely understand more

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