Why is doubt so powerful?


doubt under any circumstances can upset the applecart inside our minds. It does not have to be only in religion but in our world today anywhere so when answering consider all areas.


  • God permits doubt, Camille:

    And it should encourage us to study harder.

    Many, especially those who are young in the Christian life, are at times troubled with the suggestions of skepticism. There are in the Bible many things which they cannot explain, or even understand, and Satan employs these to shake their faith in the Scriptures as a revelation from God. They ask, "How shall I know the right way? If the Bible is indeed the word of God, how can I be freed from these doubts and perplexities?"

    God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this testimony is abundant.

    Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith.

    It is impossible for finite minds fully to comprehend the character or the works of the Infinite One. To the keenest intellect, the most highly educated mind, that holy Being must ever remain clothed in mystery.

    Job tells us: "Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know?"

    If someone says they understand all the mysteries of God, how He became a human to redeem us, they are self-deceived. Even Angels love to look into "the mystery of Godliness."

    And God knew atheism would prevail near the end of the days. That is why He gave us one chapter of the Bible that was concealed. It can now be understood, Camille, and, among other things, It proves Jesus is exactly who He said He is--our redeemer-.

    Read this e-book:- http://revelado.org/thetimeoftheend.pdf and it will dispel doubting.

    Blessings, Messiah

  • The Bible says that doubt and fear comes from the evil one, Satan. Even though Satan is powerful God is more powerful. The Word of the Lord tells us that His perfect love cast out all fear and it will cast out all doubt. Our doubts in the world or our doubts with the Lord either way it comes from the evil one Satan and there is only one way to overcome doubt and fear.

    When Satan fell from heaven he took with him one third of all the angel's. He deceived them into following him for they were a creation of God and he hates all that belong to God. Satan also hates all the people that God has made in His image, and he is out to take them with him to hell on his final and last day on earth so he will fill us with fear, doubt, disbelief, lies, and all that is evil. He is the father of All lies and he is the Great Deceiver, and he has deceived many, many people. Satan puts these strongholds on us so that we cannot go forward because he has us bound down with doubt that we cannot do something and with the fear of if we try we will be failure and people will laugh and make fun. Jesus on the other hand tells us that we can do all things that He calls us to do, for in Him we can do all things. All things means the things that we feel He has called us to do, and He will not call us to do something that we cannot do, for He knows us better than we know ourselves. We may fall down a few times trying but He will help us get back up and try again. He will always give us the means to what we need to accomplish His will and purpose. Satan says no you can't. Jesus says in Me you can do all the things I call you to do. Jesus told us that He would complete the good work He started in those who call Him their Savior.

    When one has come to Jesus and accepted Him and believed in Him then His Holy Spirit comes within our spirit and makes us alive in Him, and gives us the strength, and the power to over the thoughts of doubt, and fear. His love is perfect and He will do what He said He would if we only let Him. We have doubts about even letting Him into our lives. We ask will He really do what He said, or will He let me down like others have done? He will do what He said He would do. He does not lie, nor does He deceive. Satan does this. Jesus does not do it all at once, some things He does, but most times it is a teaching and growing lesson. But I do know He will do it for He has done it for me over the 50 yrs. I have walked with Him and He is still teaching me on a daily basic, and He has never once forgotten about me.

    He is the Living God.

  • Doubt is the force that drives human progress, without doubt of all things there would be no light bulbs, no religions, no politics and no Internet for Yahoo Answers. Pretty good? Huh?

  • Skepticism is healthy. You remain in a position of power, free to decide what

    you will believe.

    You can observe, listen to or absorb a theory or an experience, store it for

    future processing, and wait for confirmation. Sometimes we get a clue to

    attach to this line of thought. But we are not required to swallow the bait

    and the hook, then be towed along with the line until harvest.

  • Doubt is never powerful. It is the ugly phase that brings about controversies and hatred. You are deceived.

    You Christians are best in doubting non-Christians.

    An apology if i have hurt you. You can even block me if you don't want me to answer any of your questions in future.

  • That's a very good question. Doubt results in our questioning many things......our selves, decisions, dangers, relationships. It can have good results, but also bad. It works with our curiosity. Sad to say, it leads many to a lack of faith, to me that's where doubt works very powerfully. Many doubt God exists because they can't see him or because of the suffering in the world. So we must really use our thinking ability and power of reason when we begin to doubt something.

  • Evolution. One of the keys to human survival has been the innate need to learn so that we could function in a world full of predators and other threats. This causes us to question everything and to keep questioning until we find a satisfactory answer. And to change that answer when it is no longer satisfactory. It's what has brought us from shivering in caves to our modern technological era (and also given us the capacity to destroy ourselves).

    As Jesus said, in Mary 3:9, "Anyone with a mind should use it to think".

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • Because the devil feeds on doubt! He needs doubt to be successful! We all have doubts at times but it's how you pursue truth that defines it's power!

  • Human has limit to his knowledge and understanding. They also lack the access to knowledge that is not within their realm to undeerstand, eg. Heavenly things. Because they have not been there and haven seen what is there.

    It take Faith to believe what a person does not know from someone who knows. Doubt close the door of knowledge and does not please the giver of information especially if he does it for our benefits and ignorant. It also close the door and opportunity plus blessing that comes with the knowledge that need faith to accept.

  • Doubt really isn't powerful. It is easily overcome by evidence.

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