Macbeth - Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth's monolouge "Out Damn Spot". It's very intense. She see's blood on her hands (after doing a killing) and even though the blood is gone, she still sees it on her hand. Very dramatic and "physco" as you put it. Google it up.
^^best website ever for movie monologues, many of them contemporary but not used much in the acting world... probably because everyone's using Shakespeare.
Macbeth - Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth's monolouge "Out Damn Spot". It's very intense. She see's blood on her hands (after doing a killing) and even though the blood is gone, she still sees it on her hand. Very dramatic and "physco" as you put it. Google it up.
How about something from "4.48 Psychosis" by Sarah Kane?
Here's an example excerpt:
I am sad
I feel that the future is hopeless and that things cannot improve
I am bored and dissatisfied with everything
I am a complete failure as a person
I am guilty, I am being punished
I would like to kill myself
I used to be able to cry but now I am beyond tears
I have lost interest in other people
I can't make decisions
I can't eat
I can't sleep
I can't think
I cannot overcome my loneliness, my fear, my disgust
I am fat
I cannot write
I cannot love
My brother is dying, my lover is dying, I am killing them both
I am charging towards my death
I am terrified of medication
I cannot make love
I cannot ****
I cannot be alone
I cannot be with others
My hips are too big
I dislike my genitals
At 4.48
when depression visits
I shall hang myself
to the sound of my lover's breathing
I do not want to die
I have become so depressed by the fact of my mortality that I have decided to commit suicide
I do not want to live
I am jealous of my sleeping lover and cover his induced unconsciousness
When he wakes he will envy my sleepless night of thought and speech unslurred by medication
I have resigned myself to death this year
Some will call this self-indulgence
(they are lucky not to know its truth)
Some will know the simple fact of pain
This is becoming my normality
The "Out Damn Spot" monologue is not... uncommon. Actually, it's quite common.
^^best website ever for movie monologues, many of them contemporary but not used much in the acting world... probably because everyone's using Shakespeare.